In another universe, unbeknownst to those existing now stood cosmic primordial entities known as the Outer Gods. The Outer Gods are a pantheon of utterly alien, unfathomably ancient, poorly understood deities that exist outside of reality itself, or the concepts of faith, souls, and quintessence. Outer Gods are of a vast, alien intelligence and perceive reality in such an inscrutable way that they cannot recognize their own actions as evil. For mortals, the differences between cults of the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones, collectively called the Old Cults, are practically meaningless. Those who follow them and draw magical power from their worship are almost always insane, believing that when the stars are right, these ancient beings will return to unmake the world. For their part, the Outer Gods are mostly unconcerned with mortal worship, and some do not even understand the concept of faith. Eventually one of these Outer Gods sought power for himself that he eventually went after the Progenitor during the war with the Elder Gods. It was then within that moment his brethren including the Elder Gods allied themselves to defeat this one Outer God. He was considered one of the strongest amongst his family and in the end he could not be killed, he was merely.. imprisoned in a different veil, a different universe far younger than their own. They assumed that if he was left in a different reality away from Azathoth, their father would he be nullified of his power. Unfortunately, that was not the case as several millenniums had come to pass and his prison cell eventually weakened under his might.