The President

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Introduction (Official Website)

Small & Cute, With Some Fierce Combat Power

She may be small, but can certainly wield that huge hammer.

A Fierce Young Girl Who's Also a President

The young leader at the helm of Belobog Industries.

A President Who Leads by Example

She prefers to work out in the field, rather than being stuck at a desk.

Leads by Example While Maintaining Her Cute Nature

Her maturity sometimes gives way to occasional childishness. She's a leader who sometimes needs to be taken care of by her followers.

Official Introduction

Journalist: Congratulations on getting Belobog Industries back on its feet. It's quite surprising to many. What's your comment on it?

Koleda: Hmph, isn't it a matter of course? Since everyone's been working so hard.

Journalist: So what's Belobog's next goal?

Koleda: There's only one goal: to be the best in the industry.

Journalist: Very ambitious! Anything else you want to tell our audience?

Koleda: I won't accept your interview if you put the mic so high up next time.

Agent Intel

Koleda is the current head of Belobog Industries, and the biological daughter of the company's founder, Khors.

Her father, Khors, vanished due to a scandal involving embezzlement and fled, which severely shook the company, nearly driving it to the brink of collapse. Once she came of age, Koleda willingly stepped up to untangle the mess, rallying the remaining company workforce and resources to revive the financially and reputationally vulnerable Belobog Heavy Industries.

With the help of new invaluable team members, Belobog eventually managed to regain its prominence in relevant sectors. Though not as resplendent as its prime, Belobog in its current state is still a notable newcomer in the field.

Throughout her journey, Koleda amassed practical life experiences and professional know-how, building a circle of colleagues who back her up like family. Yet, to present herself as a leader, Koleda appears to intentionally adopt a stern tone when communicating with others.

This distinct growth trajectory has also contributed to Koleda's heightened maturity in certain aspects compared to her peers.

Naturally, she might display a bit of childishness in certain aspects as well.

Hypothesis: Koleda's comparatively smaller stature among her peers may stem from her prolonged involvement in the Hollows.

Currently, there aren't any publicly accessible papers or research substantiating this theory, but I will continue to track this topic.

From analysis of her behavior, it's evident that Koleda is actually quite fond of sweets, even though she's hesitant to openly admit it.

The suspected rationale behind this is that she views enjoying sweets as a childish inclination and doesn't want others to perceive her as immature.

Furthermore, Koleda seems particularly sensitive to any descriptors associated with children, and mentioning such terms could trigger her annoyance.

"Just remember, I'm the perfect height for your shinbone, so you might wanna reconsider before labeling me as childish."


  1. Koleda never openly admits her love for desserts.
  2. She wants to be the most reliable president in front of her colleagues.
  3. Good news — what lies under her eye patch is not a demonic eye that possesses the power to destroy the world.


  1. Along with Belobog Industries, Koleda shares her surname with Belobog, the capital city of Jarilo-VI from Honkai Star Rail.
  2. Although often teased by other characters for her short height as well as often being mistaken for a young girl, Koleda mentions she's in her adulthood.


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