The Last Hattai

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True Name: Ippiki Hattai

"Ezo" Name: Kuro Ookami

Species: Demi-Human (Wolf)

Height: 5'1" (w/ears), 4'10" (w/o ears)

Weight: 107 lbs

Age: Early-mid teens (apparent)

Eye color: Amber gold

Hair color: Jet black

Tail color: black w/white tip

Complexion: Tanned


The island nation of Okuri was once the home of two demi-human factions, one of them being the Yamainu tribe. The Yamainu, a tribe reputed for its strong warriors and diplomacy, yet no less a more reserved people who believed in establishing connections with others and maintaining their society through building rapport amongst the nations around them. The Yamainu firmly believed in the philosophy that all life had to unite in order to survive against threats that would come against not just from within the world they knew, but from beyond it, as well.

The Yamainu were strictly opposed by the Hattai tribe, another demi-human tribe staunchly opposed the cooperation with other nations and the races around them. The Hattai despised "Ezos," the term that they used that referred to foreigners and other races, and were keenly aware of how other races looked down upon demi-humans, and refused to remain as "filthy dogs" in their eyes. The Hattai sought strength and power, not to overthrow any nations, or even to best the Yamainu, despite their "soft" philosophy. They sought to empower demi-humans, and prove that they were far, far more than simply the two-legged animals posing as humanoids that others had made them out to be.

The result of the Hattai's views uplifting demi-humans over others, and the Yamainu's belief in getting along with all, even at their own detriment, often caused skirmishes between the two tribes. Originally the clashes were of philosophy, of words, and of ideals. It wasn't until the accidental death of the Hattai's leader at a summit meeting between him and the Yamainu tribe's leaders, that tensions began to grow to a head between the two tribes.

While initially stated to be an accident, the Hattai knew better than to believe that the death of their leader wasn't intentional. While the Yamainu did not intend for the Hattai chieftain to be assassinated, the Hattai's rage over their leader's death only validated what the whispers among the Yamainu tribe had been clamoring for years:

The Hattai were becoming too dangerous, and needed to be squashed.

With their leader slain, succession had to be decided quickly: Either his eldest daughter Asai, who was already a young adult, his second daughter Chinita, a late teenager who was well versed in the art of war despite her father's wishes...or his youngest child and only son, Ippiki. Neither choice seemed to fully appeal to the Hattai, and it was because of that indecision that the Hattai grew even more restless, and the cries for the blood of the Yamainu grew louder and louder.

The Yamainu may have treasured peace, but were nonetheless still very good at war. In their enemies' rampaging bloodlust and indecision to settle upon a new leader, the Yamainu found plenty of opportunity to take the Hattai by surprise. Recruiting a small coalition of external allies they had gathered through their diplomacy, they took the Hattai off guard and easily overwhelmed them. In a quick, yet painful decision, Ippiki's two sisters stayed to fight against their assailants, and to send their teary-eyed baby brother away to preserve the name of the Hattai, no matter the outcome. Ippiki cried and fought desperately to stay with the sisters he grew up with, and the only home he had ever known. However, a swift chop to the neck would knock the wolf demi-human out cold, allowing the former chieftain's retainer to take him away, to begin a new life, until one day he could return and make the Yamainu pay for killing his father, let alone his family.

Once Ippiki woke up, eyes swollen from all the tears, he found himself in a town far, far different from any place that he knew. Humans, elves, dwarves, and even a few other scattered demi-humans were bustling about, all going about their business as if nothing happened. The very thought of it infuriated the boy. How could all these people be completely oblivious to what he had suffered!? To what the Hattai tribe had suffered!?! But before he could even get a word out, his retainer had explained that the Yamainu likely had sympathizers everywhere, due to their significantly better reputation. If word got out that one of the Hattai had escaped, he would undoubtedly be hunted down. In unfamiliar territory, no one could be trusted.

Thus, as was tradition to the Hattai, those who left the tribe to join society would have to choose an "Ezo" name, or "foreigner" name. These were names that would distance themselves from the Hattai, so as to erase the trails of their origins back to the Hattai. With great reluctance, Ippiki would have to start a new life in what may as well have been another world to him. The Hattai tribe would one day be revived once day. But for the time being, Ippiki Hattai no longer existed. To the rest of the world, the newest demi-human adventurer would be known by his Ezo name:

Kuro Ookami

// The storm's knocked out my power, so I'm gonna be a bit delayed...

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Back to responding and greetings tomorrow.

Got a lot done, feel kinda proud of myself!

Thinking about it, i might present an alt option with a little older Kuro, perhaps a few years into living under his new identity so he isn't so prone to tripping over using the right name. And, of course, old enough to drink, according to his traditions. Which could lead to further messes.~

Finally...with errands out of the way, I can get to sending stuff.

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Sending stuff out this weekend

Still getting settled in. I'll put up the quirky stuff later.

changed a profile cover
changed a profile picture