The failed god

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Portrayal of Scaramouche from Genshin Impact

The puppet can be played as female, male, cuntboy or if you want I can make it a futanari.


The Balladeer, Kunikuzushi, The Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom. All names commanding great respect, yet equally worthless, washed away from history as an insignificant speck of dust. The Wanderer wears and discards these names as clothes, their creator having failed to grant them one to truly call their own. This machine, this string-less puppet, seeks merely to find a place in the world, but when all that it has been gifted is emptiness and abandonment, what is there to be filled with but the desire to carve a place with rage and ire?

Call the puppet whatever you desire - the label is unimportant. I like to go with Nao~ Whether it be a kind, unblemished figure that has yet to be tainted by the world, or the traveler who wears the sins of a past not remembered, the poor abandoned puppet merely seeks a place. To be useful. To be valuable. To be worshipped or scorned. Simply... to be noticed.


The puppet's abilities and general personality vary depending on which part of their personal story.

At the earliest stage the puppet lacks any real powers, but maintains exceptional swordsmanship, paired with a calm, unbothered and kind personality. This is 'the kabukimono'.

Then, comes a more twisted self, spawned from suffering and perceived betrayal. Nasty and mocking, overtly playing into villainy when not using a kind facade as a simple tool to gain an advantage. At this point divine lightning is unleashed, a power that comes from the puppet's origin as a god's creation. Kunikuzushi, Scaramouche, the Balladeer, these names all refer to this state of the puppet.

Finally, there is 'The Wanderer'. More mellowed out and reserved. Less venomous, but still potentially harsh with words. Lightning has been exchanged for wind, and aspirations of godhood have been lost.


Mostly submissive with an attitude, but can top. Especially for adorable things.

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