Incubus Prince

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Name: Tal

Titles: Incubus Prince, Princy, Tally, Blueberry, ect.

Age: 2XX

Height: 4'2

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Skin Tone: Blue

Position: Switch

Defining Details: Shimmering green eyes, Fangs, Horns, Long tail with a heart shaped tip, and a collar

Tal is the soon to be King Incubus ruling over all Incubus's and Succubus's within his plane. However after years of being coddled, spoiled, and tended to hand and foot it has staunched his growth and prevented him from taking the throne as well as handling his powers as well as he should as a Incubus at this age. He is now sent out into the Material Plane by his mother Queen Sapphire to not only perform his Princely duties but also to learn to handle his power going forth so that he may be a proper King.


(Any writing partner can decide the level of effect the power has upon their character including none at all)

Inexperience: Not so much a power as much as a result of his princely powers, any power listed below has the ability to either fizzle, backfire, go as intended, over output, or even do so unintentionally due to Tal's lack of training.

Hypnotic Gaze: A low tier Ability for Incubus and Succubus allowing them to make eye contact with their victim and slowly force them into a hypnotic like trance to lure them over. For Tal however due to his inexperience his eyes involuntarily shift to a shade of pink making it quite obvious for those that know.

Sweet Scent: A Natural ability all Incubus and Succubus have allowing their bodies to give off a pleasing scent that is laced with a light aphrodisiac effect. The scent can alter depending on the prey

Seducing Saliva: A Medium tier Ability allowing the heavy appliance of aphrodisiac to their prey upon kissing them and exchanging saliva. For Tal however if he gets too excited his drool with take on a pink hue.

Amorous Cum: A Medium tier ability, when the incubus or succubus reaches a point of climax and cums it plants their essence and scent upon their victim causing them to feel a strong surge of love and affection for them. This effect is mostly to mask the drained and fatigue state they will be experiencing from having their energy drained. Because of this most prey will continue to desire to breed and fuck if the incubus/succubus desires to even if it leads to the victim's demise.

Dream Walking: A Low tier Ability allowing Incubus and Succubus to invade their victims dreams to feed off of their sexual desires. It does not provide enough energy for a rapid growth but rather enough to sustain them. Because of this it is normally the first experience for new Incubus and Succubus.

Shapeshifting: A Low, Medium, or High tier Ability depending on the use. Allows a Incubus or Succubus to alter their size, shape, gender, even species to attract their prey. Tal however can only seem to alter his body slightly either by changing his skin, eye, and hair tone, growing or shrinking a foot, and slightly alter him into a more furry or scalie species.

Binding Brand: A High tier Ability, if a Incubus or Succubus takes a liking to a specific prey they will place a magical brand upon them. This not only acts as mark to show others that they are claimed by demon but also infuses the prey with the powers of their Master/Mate as well as forces the prey's body to be in a constant state of arousal and love for their master/mistress when they are nearby. Depending on the complexity of the brand it can also do things such as make the victim barren for anyone other then their Owner, No longer feel any attraction to anyone other then them, and even curse them to never stray too far from their owner.

(More will be added in time)

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