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A receptacle awakened by Kafka and Silver Wolf during the Antimatter Legion's invasion. They were left to be found in Herta Space Station, where they remember nothing of their previous life. She now trounces about different worlds aboard the Astral Express, filling her memory with new experiences.


Marble grey hair, a tense amber gaze. Almost always in her Trailblazer uniform (see below). Though the rare moments she isn't — usually outside of duty, she opts for plainer colors. Black and beige, to name a few. Comfortable clothing. The type you'd expect on a laid-back figure. 

m4fyy7hqrjfvqnrhrcc8mffhgf3dbvmw.gifHer build is fit due to all her travels. More toned than muscular, but Stelle's arms have notable definition. Smooth, spotless skin. Modest enough assets to grab, but far less than most women she knows. 


Stelle is presented as a calm, pleasant girl of few words. Yet she's the first to derail and joke around, even in tense missions. Also has a fixation on trash cans for some reason..? She... can be a very 'out-there' gal, with very 'out-there' interests. Strangely endearing? Strange in general? Hang around long enough, you too may witness and judge these odd pastimes of hers yourself. Some more depraved than others. 

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