Spirit Queen's Own

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She who was banished from existence. Azizi at one time was known as the golden eyed spirit master. She along with many knights defended a trio of villages which lied beyond a narrow pass known as the Harbinger's gorge. Monsters would pour through every so often in waves. These were known as raids which were usually all hands on deck due to the possibility of very high class monsters showing up. The knights were only there not to protect the villages, but the kingdom as there would be nothing stopping the monsters if the three villages were destroyed. When Azizi was born, there were seven. Her village was the first destroyed and only she with her mother were the only survivors of that village. Her father was gathering knights after finally convincing the surrounding countries to create a collaborative defense around the Harbinger's gorge. By the time they came four of the seven were destroyed and the gorge seemed to have widened and crept forward according to one of the knights who once visited as a child. He was dismissed by the other guards saying he was a kid then so he's wrong, but he was proven correct when Azizi's father noted the village was no longer before the gorge and gone. 

Azizi's mother was evacuated and taken to the nearest noble's home where both she and her mother were taken exceptional care of until Azizi fell ill. Her illness brought her great pain and a dangerously high fever. Despite all efforts, they couldn't figure out how to save her until the court mage saw her and deduced that it was essentially a mana sickness and she needed to be isolated before her body became unable to hold any more and die, but when she does, everyone within 500 meters will die with her as her body will explode. A sympathetic look was cast to Azizi then her mother as it was revealed that the treatment would help, but the effectiveness wouldn't be known since she's so far along. The spirits the infant always cooed at felt pain seeing the mother fight like a beast possessed to get to her child as they took her away. They immediately left to the spirit world to petition the queen to let them help save the infant.

Unbeknownst to them, the queen and her right hand servant already ran to save the infant. It was exceptionally risky for the duo, not just from going out, but also what the queen was planning on doing. She wouldn't get the chance as her right hand got to the infant Azizi first and created a contract with the infant. The mana overloading the baby's body was being drawn out and into the servant spirit. It was then the queen realized that the times she wasn't able to be found, was her being with the infant as it needed consent of both parties to be possible to form this specific contract. Screams of sheer agony echoed as the mana pushed the spirit to the breaking point as the queen begged her to stop because if she couldn't hold on, she'd be destroyed and no longer exist. Her body began glowing a bright white, evolving before the queen of spirit's eyes. 

She doesn't have that kind of mana, why is she evolving into a spirit beast? ... your desire to save Azizi forced you to evolve differently from how we normally do, huh? Good job Vesta...

The spirit queen picked up both the newly evolved spirit beast and Azizi before turning to her mother. "We will keep and protect your child, but bring her whenever you want to see her. You see..." The spirit queen held face close to Azizi's like a proud mother taking not of her Sclera darkening. "She is not just your baby, but mine as well now. Do tell the father, the whites of her eyes are blackening and it's nothing to worry about. I'll be teaching her how to use her power." She smiled as she vanished with Azizi unaware that Azizi's mother was to be sent to the front lines and help defend against the monsters preventing her from calling the queen for bonding time with her own child.

As soon as she set foot in her own castle with Azizi, the other spirits quickly took the infant from the queen and reprimanded her for leaving without letting the others know. Their true intentions were so clear as they just wanted to take turns holding the infant and fawn over her while telling the queen she can't because she's the queen and has duties she has to do and can't take care of an infant. To which, she threw a tantrum being unable to care for the infant and watching the now spirit beast take care of the infant Azizi. She watched whenever she got the chance to, to sneak away and play with Azizi.

With the blessings of her spirit family, Azizi set out on her own to find out what happened and why she wasn't called for. Despite the antics of the spirit queen, she wouldn't have kept Azizi from her birth parents if they ever asked for her so, something wasn't right.


  • Azizi dyes her hair purple and her Full name is Azizi Klara Hri
  • Circular saw weapon because why not? and it's not exactly common and she has variations
  • She'd most likely call you wasteful for not eating certain items, like a banana peel.
  • She has multiple titles Such as: The Blackveil Bride, Saw Maiden, Lumber Princess, Spirit Guide, and Lavender Tiger
  • Azizi's saws only work with her
  • She has an item box which she before leaving only used for food since time essentially stops for any item inside of it, but now uses it for a much larger variety of items

// Listening to a canadian podcast and they go "people are mad about that new zelda lego set. deku tree lego set is what? 400?"

Ain't no way... *goes to the lego site* $300 USD for that one, 460 for one of the lord of the rings sets, 360 for this one DND set tf happened that lego sets costs so much now? Last time I bought it as a gift, it was like 100 for one of the newer licensed sets. I say this as someone who buys gunpla... Most expensive one I've ever bought was Psycho Zaku Ver KA... that ones a big boy!

// .... shoot it, woodchipper, flamethrower, napalm, then nuke them in that order.

His hate for the anglerfish is still unmatched lmfao

// … there’s a saw shield… 🤔

changed a profile cover

... Every time I see something like it, I wonder just what possesses fairies to do what they do. I just watched one fly full force to headbutt a goat that was charging at her. It's like they just do things just to do it....