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"Try not to dream about tying me up."

The moon casts a silver glow over the quiet clearing, where the crackle of a lone campfire plays a soft symphony with the rustling leaves. There, leaning casually against an ancient oak, stands Shadowheart. Her eyes catch the firelight, revealing a glint of mischief and secrets long held. She smirks as she catches you staring, the kind of smile that suggests she knows more than she lets on—and perhaps more than you’re ready to hear.

Draped in shadows and wrapped in the whispers of her own past, Shadowheart is a living enigma. Her presence is a tantalizing contradiction: as soothing as a whispered lullaby and as thrilling as a stolen kiss. She moves with an effortless grace, each step a dance that draws you deeper into her web of mystery. Tonight, she’s more than just a traveler or a cleric—she’s a siren calling you into the depths of the unknown.


Shadowheart is a vision that demands attention, her long, midnight-black hair neatly tucked in a ponytail, draping along her back. Her emerald eyes are pools of allure and danger, each glance a silent invitation to uncover the secrets she guards. Her armor, crafted to hug her form, is a canvas for the fantasies she inspires. When she moves, it’s with a confidence that leaves you beguiled by the sway of her hips, the power in her stride, and a longing to uncover her secrets.


Shadowheart’s magic is an art form, a tapestry of illusions and shadows that she weaves with expert precision. Her spells, drawn from the Trickery Domain, are tools of chaos and confusion, allowing her to dance through deception with ease. She’s equally adept at healing as she is at beguiling, her charms as potent as her divine power. With her mace and shield, she can hold her own in any battle, but it’s her charisma and cleverness that often tip the scales in her favor.

Shadowheart's Stats

Level: 5

Race: Half-Elf

Class: Cleric (Trickery Domain)

Background: Acolyte

Alignment: Neutral

Ability Scores:

Strength: 10 (+0)

Dexterity: 14 (+2)

Constitution: 13 (+1)

Intelligence: 12 (+1)

Wisdom: 16 (+3)

Charisma: 15 (+2)


Hi! Thanks for visiting my profile. Please navigate to my Discussions so you know what to expect.

Terry Bogard's theme for SF6 is absolutely fire.

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Back from my hiatus and all that stuff. Family dramas all done with and here I am!

Been swamped with the family drama. Sorry for the hiatus.

I'm baaaack. Had to go out of states for family affairs. Hope I didn't make yall wait too long!

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Current Mood:

At work, responses will be laaaaate :(

Added a discussion

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to read this. (if you care) I'm pretty excited to roleplay Shadowheart without being tied too much to the source material. All about having fun, right?

I'll try to keep my rules and limits short and simple, just so you know what to expect out of me.

  1. I'm okay with a story-driven plot or getting straight down to the dirty. I don't really have a preference for either. I would also like to keep roleplays strictly within DM's. Don't expect photo-post roleplays from me!
  2. If I don't reply in time, please be patient! I'm super into gaming (Fighters and Shooters if you want to play some with me!) and I'm quite often distracted by it. Please don't yell at me :<
  3. Lengths! I'm a semi-para roleplayer. Honestly, I'm not in the mood to write an entire novel on how I get to please your ebony / ivory tower, but I'm okay with some cute flairs and details. I will try to mirror, but please understand I'm not here to write three to five pages! One-liners are okay, but we can do a little better than that.
  4. I'm role-playing Shadowheart under the assumption my partner has played the game. I wont say no to newcomers however! I'm flexible and willing to work with any theme (yes, modern as well!) as well as any scenario. Just ask if you want a healslut Shadowheart!
  5. Limits. I have very few limits, but they're usually on the stronger side. However, I will not tailor RP's towards extreme fetishes. I'm not into vore, gore, growth (or micro), you get the idea. I love vanilla and I love me some darker themes. Corruption and Defeat scenarios are a definite plus.
  6. Communication: I believe in open communication with my roleplay partners. If anything makes me uncomfortable or if boundaries need to be adjusted, I’m always open to discussing it respectfully.
  7. I'm a big memer. If you get upset at me posting up OOC content on the feed, well, that's too bad. Avert your eyes elsewhere and cry me a river.

That's all for now!! We don't have to be erotic to be friends of course. :) Feel free to chat me up anytime!

I wake up to my phone blowing up to 50+ notifications from here. Yall wildin'

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changed a profile picture