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"...but let me tell you who I am: I am the granddaughter of a hero and the child of a villain. I am a citizen of a fallen Kingdom and an heir to nothing. I will not be defined by my name because I will be the one to define it!"


Weiss carries her Kingdom, her team, and her entire Company on her back. After Salems been dealt with, All Weiss had left was her Mother and the Company. And a Sink hole that used to be Mantle. Basing herself in said Sink hole with her Butler Cline and a rudimentary office. Rebuilding can finally begin. On Atlas, Mantle, The SDC, relations between Humans and Faunus, Everything! Weiss works now to reclaim the Schnee name from her Father and restore it to the Glory of her Grandfathers legacy. Including lending aid where she can to Human and Faunus alike. Even more so since her Team split up, the happy couple going off to Menagerie to run the White Fang and rebuild the once proud culture. She still sees them sometimes, but otherweiss she spends her days alone. Working contracts, deals, negotiations, raising everyone but herself up.


Weiss' single most troublesome aspect of her personality is her strong headedness. It makes her stubborn, bratty, and at times a Total Ice Bitch. Or. So people tell the young Heiress. She hopes it's behind her. But that ability to cut through the bullshit and speak what needs to be spoken is the exact attitude and capabilities needed if Atlas and the SDC are to be rebuilt from the literal ground up. Otherwise. Weiss shows a slew of combat capabilities and knowledge, a fondness for her Rapier Myrtenaster, as well as the dust chambers found within make her just as much a threat on the Battlefield as in the office.


Preferences: Women/Futa (Can have Schneenis), ACTUAL build up and chemistry, Career/CEO style schenanigan/scheme based stories, not dealing with Salem unless you're writing Salem. Not one much for OCs so...good luck.


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Why are there so many Weiss' on here?!

How am I spose to write RWBY if all the RWBY is me?!

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Imma go broke if this brand ever discovers RWBY

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Because what would Jaque DESPISE even more than Gay? FAUNUS GAY!

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Pardon the art spam! Trying to clear my phone and idk what's already been posted by now.

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