Riley Andersen

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Age: 9-13

Riley was born in Minnesota. Her first memory was a happy one of seeing her parents. As she grew, she formed many more happy memories, as well as some sad, fearful, angry, and disgusted ones. At some point, she met and befriended Meg and learned to skate and play hockey. Certain Core Memories in her head shaped her personality.

When Riley was eleven, her parents announced they'd be moving to San Francisco because her father had gotten a job at a startup there. To get through the move, Riley remembered all the things Dad had promised she'd get in her new home, like a cool new room. When they arrived, Riley was disappointed because the moving van hadn't arrived and she didn't have her things. Despite this, she tried to stay cheerful, starting a game of paper ball hockey in the house to get her parents into a better move and suggesting a pizzeria for lunch one Dad got called away.

Riley was let down again when the pizzeria only served broccoli pizza. Things started to change in her head and Riley struggled to stay at cheerful as she had been.

That night, when Riley went to bed, Mom thanked her for remaining their happy girl, which she said would help Dad as he made the adjustment to his new job. Riley agreed and went to sleep.

The next day, Riley got ready for her first day at her new school. She was happy when she got to school but when the teacher asked her to introduce herself and talk about her life in Minnesota, she started to cry, saying she missed Minnesota.

That night, while eating dinner, Mom noticed something was different with Riley and tried to probe about her day, only to have Riley shrug her off and then yell at Dad when he asked the same question. Dad sent Riley to her room. Then he came up to check on her, but she refused to speak to him, so he decided to give her space.

Riley did a video call with Meg, who told her about the new girl on Riley's old hockey team. When Meg continued to talk about her, Riley got angry and ended the call.

Mom took Riley to try out for a new hockey team, but Riley quickly became frustrated when she struggled to perform as well as she was used to. She ended up throwing down her stick and leaving the ice without finishing the tryout.

The next day, Riley decided to steal her mom's credit card and buy a bus ticket back to Minnesota. She bought the ticket and got onto the bus.

Riley is happy, honest, and goofy when she is content. However, in the preteen years, Riley becomes more sentimental, a little bit shy, and uncertain of herself as her other emotions begin appearing. By the time her family moves to San Francisco, she starts to be more troubled, annoyed, and lonely. Her emotions at this point try to help her get adjusted to the new life. Riley can second-guess herself, but she doesn't always repent her actions.

Riley really misses Minnesota and is unable to cope with the transition. However, Riley fears letting her parents know she's upset since they want her to accept the new home and that she has always been their "happy girl." As time goes on however, Riley becomes emotionally vulnerable, entering a sort of apathetic depression and coming to the point where she tries to run away, almost losing herself in the process.

As Riley enters adolescence, she develops a tendency to not communicate with her parents, even in times when she should be so, such as her panic attack at Hockey Camp and her crisis about keeping friends at her new school. She has also developed a sarcastic edge to her personality, occasionally leading her to be disciplined by her parents. Like a lot of adolescents, she is also prone to radical and random mood-swings when under pressure. However, Riley continues to be a sweet and kind young woman who loves spending time with her friends and is shown as bitterly regretting her mistakes, often being reduced to tears by remorse.

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This Morning

Me: Hey my phone is almost dead and I have to go to work I'll just have it charge while I'm at work


Phone: 3% a dust particle landed on my phone and caused it to disconnect and not charge

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