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"I wanted to be just like those heroes in the books... Someone who fought for what was right, and protected people who couldn't protect themselves!"


Ruby was born to her father and mother, Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose, on October 31st, a full sixty-five years after the events and horrors of the Great War. Given this, Ruby found herself leading a life of relative peace under the protection of her parents, both incredibly skilled hunters and huntresses in their own rights. Yet they weren't the only family she had the pleasure of knowing. Long before, Tai and Summer had both been on a team with two others, a brother and sister duo named Raven and Qrow with the surname of Branwen.. with the eventual team name of S.T.R.Q. Eventually, as fate would have it, Tai would fall in love, but not with Summer... instead with Raven. In their time together they also eventually brought a child into this world... Yang Xiao Long, a blonde haired beauty who'd go on to be a nurturing, protective older half-sister to Ruby. It wasn't until Raven mysteriously disappeared, for reasons one can only speculate on, that Tai and Summer finally fell for one another... bringing into the world a red haired child taking on many aspects of her mother physically, and one day personality wise as well! In these years living on the island of Patch, Ruby couldn't have been happier... with a watchful father, an attentive and caring mother, a nurturing and playful sister, and even a fun loving mischievous uncle in Qrow, there wasn't much else that the young, silver eyed girl could have hoped for! However, it would seem that destiny had other things in mind for the story loving, huntress admiring little girl as time went on...


"Hey, mom. Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Oh, Dad's here, too! He's, uh, you know... Dad. He's still teaching at Signal. But he told me that he's going to be on some mission soon. I think he misses adventuring with you... I miss you too. I guess it's like they say: "like mother, like daughter"! Wish me luck... It was good to talk."

One day, when Ruby was no older than four years old, her mother Summer took up a mission in the Kingdom of Vale, a fairly standard thing considering her line of work as a huntress. Just as her father would teach at the local school of Signal alongside her uncle Qrow as well. Things seemed to be normal, just like any other day. That couldn't be further from the case however. Days would go by without any word from her mother, a fairly common occurrence given just how far and wide her missions could take her. However, it quickly became apparent that this wasn't just any old regular mission... weeks went by without so much as a letter, and once a month or so had gone by, it quickly became apparent just what had happened. No words were needed when she was classified as "M.I.A"... however, for the young, now motherless Ruby, things couldn't be anymore unreal and nightmarish than this. Perhaps it was due to her age, or perhaps the trauma was simply too much for her to handle like her father, but, the fact that her mother, that caring, monster slaying, cookie baking super mom was now simply gone? It hit the young, adventurous girl like a truck. Why hadn't she come back? Why did she leave her alone in this world? A fairy tale without a happy ending... that was all she could think of. No possible way for anyone to wake her from this tragic, horrific nightmare she now lived. Not even her father, Tai, could see any light in this, simply breaking down as he had lost not one, but two of those most dear to him now. If not for her older, half sister, Ruby might not have ever truly found her way back to the light... at least not as well as she had given her young age and inability to truly comprehend all that had happened. She had always been caring, but almost as if in response and to protect that of her younger sister Yang did everything she could to fill those impossible shoes... taking the blow and bouncing back stronger than ever, all for the sake of the one she cared for... truly creating an bond that would prove to be nigh unbreakable as the years went on and various events transpired...


Over the many long years to come, Ruby grew past this tragedy, not allowing it to slow her down even for a second. She always wanted to be a hero. Thanks to the stories she read, Ruby carried romantic notions as to what it meant to be a Huntsman. Despite her strong sense of justice, Ruby has always been a little naive. The events that transpired at Beacon Academy helped mold Ruby. Prior to her time at the academy, Ruby was content to be by herself, or with her sister Yang. Left with mysteries and questions in relation to her mother, Ruby is a bit contradictory in her desire to not be the center of attention despite the fact that her status as a Huntress would bring her a lot of attention. In her youth, Ruby was particularly awkward and shy, even going so far as to suffer from enochlophobia, a fear of large crowds. Though she is awkward, Ruby has never been anything but enthusiastic and eager, willing and able to speak her mind and stand up for what she feels is right. Likewise, Ruby has something of a fixation on weapons. She loves looking at them, talking about them, and generally being a self-professed dork over them. Ruby is the daughter of Summer Rose and Taiyang Xiao Long. In the end, Ruby is determined to make the world a better place.


Ruby is, by all accounts, a dork. A girl with a massive sweet-tooth and a fixation on weapons, Ruby might be a bit on the awkward side, but she has become fairly outgoing since her time at Beacon. Having plenty of friends, Ruby is willing to do whatever she can to help her friends and teammates. In keeping with her naive and optimistic nature, Ruby is loathe to keep secrets from her friends and prefers to be as open and honest as possible with them. Prone to impulsiveness, Ruby's actions tend to put her in less than favorable situations, though she seems to be aware of more than she lets on. Meanwhile, her time at Beacon has helped Ruby transform into something of a leader who is able to come up with plans under pressure that allows her and her team to achieve their goals. Despite this, Ruby is not without her flaws, as she'll stubbornly keep fighting no matter how bad the odds are stacked against her. Likewise, while Ruby is usually brave and out-going, when the pressure of being a leader weighs down on her, she can become depressed and requires the emotional support of her friends.



icon"I have this really good friend who's an amazing roleplayer! Seriously, you should totally add them! They're super fun and can totally bring any character to life. You won't regret it!"

// Welcome new friends! Unfortunately I have to head to work but I look forward to playing with each and one of you. Replies coming soon!

// Need to get ready for work. See you guys soooooooooooon!

// Working on replies. Might pass out since I'm tired. Sorry in advance!

// 4 more hours till I'm home. Hopefully I don't pass out lol

// Work time! See you soon!

Remnant is the main setting of the RWBY series. Created by The Gods long ago, it is a future-fantasy world filled with airships, gadgets, high-tech weaponry and a form of natural energy called Dust existing side by side.

The four Kingdoms of Remnant are Vale (center), Vacuo (west), Atlas (north) and Mistral (east). Each of the Kingdoms has its own distinct culture - for example, Atlas was known for its martial nature and technological advancement, and Vacuo for its rough-and-tumble lifestyle.

Vale was located on the continent called Sanus, with Vacuo on its opposite end. Mistral is on the continent of Anima. Atlas was on the continent of Solitas. Vytal is the name of the island to the north of Vale. Other known landmasses include Menagerie, the continent to the bottom right.

The last dragon-shaped continent (to the west of Vale, north of Vacuo) remains unidentified. Although its southern region was apparently at one point inhabited, no settlements are currently known to exist on the continent.[1] The majority of the continent is geographically darkened for unknown reasons.

There are also smaller islands around the larger continents. However, it is currently unknown if any of them are inhabited or part of the Kingdoms.

With the destruction of Atlas and Vale in "The Final Word" and the "Volume 9 Bonus Ending Animatic" respectively, Mistral and Vacuo are currently the only Kingdoms left in Remnant.

// I think I'm done messing with my profile. For those accepted, welcome!