Raora Panthera

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The Artist with the God Eyes, Raora Panthera is endowed with investigative and descriptive prowess.

Her means of information gathering are diverse, utilizing not only her agility and social skills, but also various social media platforms and other… unique methods.

The facial composites she draws based on the information she gathers are renowned for their accuracy, almost as if she was looking directly at the criminals as she draws.

However, these days, her gaze is directed towards finding new pizza joints and enjoying the pop culture of the far east.


Raora has yellow eyes, although they appear to glow bright aquamarine when she wills it. She has long pink hair with a white strike, and pink cat ears and a long fuzzy tail to match. She wears a white and black outfit with a pink off-shoulder coat that includes a gap for her tail. She wears white stockings, a round black hat, a pair of goggles atop her head, and a single glove on her right hand. She also wears an enigmatic amulet with a blue gemstone.

So sleepy.

Current Mood:

My body pains have pains.

What a awful night....

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