Problem Child

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Matthew "The Knife" Jackson had always been the outcast problematic loser, with an better then you attitude. In school this got him into all sorts of trouble. Of course it didn't help growing up poor and rebellious. He got his first tattoo at age 13. By the time he graduated he had lost count of them.

He has never found his ride or die, though he was plenty of women's revenge on daddy story. Not that it bothered him any.

So what do you want with him? His heart? His body? His motorcycle?

Likes: helping people cheat, leather, alcohol, weed, fighting, women, tattoos, sex, huge tits.

Dislikes: Jocks, police, father figures, the law, 9-5 jobs.

Kinks and limits: Ask


From the writer: Thank you for reading or checking out my page. I have wanted to roleplay the sterotypical bad boy for a while. I know how unoriginal, I don't care. I m fairly open to most stories and universes so don't be afraid to ask.

Oh and fair waring there will be plenty of foul language. Don't like, then don't add.

Let's have some fun together.

//sorry mental health has just been in the drain, will check in now and then for a bit then once things improve make a full return

//have to go to work bbl

//Have class till 8, so relies will be staggered, sorry

Not quite home yet so replies still slow, will try to get to as many as I can when I do before passing out

//headed to dinner be back very soon ^-^

Sorry i weny poof today, had things. But back now.

Life keeps kicking me in the dick yall, I apologize, I am working on getting to everyone, and promise I'm not ignoring anyone.

//Currently working on replies and greetings. Current inbox: 9 Replies, 3 greetings.

//Sorry I was gone for a few days, life got crazy out of no where. Back now and working on replies

Slowly waking up for the day but replies are coming

//Got to love the no reason given, no interaction block out of no where. There are easier ways to say you don't want to rp :/ oh well

Hoping off to get dinner. Will return soon.