Perfectly Timed

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Hololive Council's Warden of Time; Ouro Kronii.

Kronii is tasked with an important role of overseeing time itself, correcting displacements, and anomalies that disrupt it's steady, endless flow. A task; menial though it may be, she performs quite aptly. Teetering on the edge of complacency; mischief led to the warden seeking constants in timelines, often running into herself.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?"

Encountering and interacting with herself, inevitably led to a narcissistic self indulgence. What better way to unwind and vent than with a likeminded individual? Doing so with an identically minded individual. Her self inflicted distractions eventually gave way to complacency, resulting in several unexpected changes throughout the timeline. Kronii is tasked with correcting them... but exactly when? Only time will tell.


Kronii's age is one up for debate; though despite physical appearances, she declares to be the age of 60.

Despite her accomplishments, including stopping Skynet from wiping out humanity, helping a caveman discover fire, and teaching fish to walk, Kronii on the surface seems very laid back about the tremendous responsibility her role entails.

Kronii does not identify as a helicopter.

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