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Name: Nikki

Age: 23

Height: 5’6”

Weight: One Big Tiddy Goth Kitty

Occupation: Professional Mother of Triplets

Nikki was once an outgoing and loving blonde catgirl of the age of 18, she didn’t have a chest though, but after her 18th birthday she began to develop her huge breasts that she’d become known for by the age of 19, she became bitter and constantly angry over everyone oggling her giant chest. But as the years passed, and she entered her twenties she began to embrace her thick goth body, showing off whenever possible, she would eventually become pregnant and birth triplets, which became her new source of annoyance as they were quite needy and rowdy. Constantly begging for milk. But she did also settle into her motherly role, even if she can still become quite bitchy.

(she’s available to be played with at various stages of her life, staring with her super bitchy age 19 self, all the way to her current mother of 3 self)

Nikki through her life~

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