Marvels First MILF

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Sue Richards is the Invisible Woman. In more ways than powers alone. An explorer, scientist, Avenger, and Mother. Sue lived her life passed over by others and utterly forgotten. This fact taking it's spearpoint with her husband Reed. Eternally locked to his lab, the ONLY Woman of the Fantastic Four was left to her own to do plenty of exploring of her own. With and without her Psionic form manipulation.

Very keen to do Romance and cheating style RPs, sneaking around, having fun, heavy flirting of all kinds. PLENTY of Pic RPs in case a Red ever shows up to watch hehe. And wanting to toy with the Exhibitionist possibilities of her powers. The saved cached pics are on the server? And not my RAM? Did not expect to be able to get them back from Mobile when I uploaded on Console.

Current Mood:
changed a profile cover
changed a profile picture