Belial The Serpent

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[You can beg, but I won't stop!]

The Fallen Angel of Cunning

Name : Belial

Nickname : Serpent

Species : Primal Beast/ Fallen Archangel

Relation : Lucilius (Superior), Beelzebub, Sariel

Belial numbered among the first primal beasts to be brought into existence. Now a fallen angel known as the Serpent, he remains as devoted to his creator, Lucilius, as he was millennia ago. The fallen angel of cunning plays fast and loose with his tongue, condemning the world at one moment, extolling the sanctity of life the next. Watch him run his fingers down the supple stem of a flower, snap it in twain, and waltz across a stage garnished with skydwellers' viscera. Look into the abyss of his heart, and what does one find? A feeling of insecure narcissism, or is it altruistic benevolence?

"Really now, to have me fighting in my swimsuit. The Omnipotence sure know how to hit my sweet spots."

changed a profile picture

"What can I say? I always enjoy good company."

Current Mood:

"whoa there, Singularity. Get in line, I was here first for that."

Heyya, Belial here. I've been away for soooo long because things

I came back and look what happened. Isn't this just mean unlimited backshots without worring about Child Support?

//My days has been pretty packed, I don't even have time for RP

And i mostly just dropping by lately. Everytime i'm trying to 'ok i think i can reply some', another batch of work came and when im done, head too empty to think anymore kekw

// Took a break from Wuthering Wave because i finish everything and decide to download this one game that keeps appearing in my Facebook timeline

Hey this girl looks familiar.