Kiraiah Rize Rose Rose

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I will not let some unknown monster kill me.

Heimdall wasted no time enrolling in combat classes. He wasn't the best student, but he learned the basics of gunplay and swordsmanship. After he felt he trained adequately he left on his journey to gather genetic materials in case he failed to kill this new type of creature, he'd have children to carry the torch and protect the people. He believed that it may be something that caused the disappearances that were never solved even with the help of magic. His teachers were against this, but he continued anyway and gathered the materials across the span of 30 years, during which he lost an arm and an eye due to overstep.  He met many a stranger during these years including the one who helped him facilitate their chambers and be with him every step of the way for years. With only ten years until it came for him, he had no time to rest and got to work spending many a sleepless night building a home for them and compiling information for them based on his own knowledge which he felt was far more than enough, but he was wrong there. The remaining ten years pd and she had vanished a week before the fateful day, Heimdall was convinced the creature got to her and got ready for a fight and woke the golems and had them all running the facility automating it and awakening the caretaker golems to raise his brood when the time came. That day never came as he pd away while reading a book to the group of incubators holding his brood. His mind copied into the central system overlooking the incubators mere hours before his png. A smile was on his face however when he did p♥. Despite it not being another 30 years until they left the incubators, his body showed no decay nor signs of aging remaining in tact until the creature in the vision showed up. The vision came to p⥙, but he was long since dead so, how was it still seen? A mystery that could possibly never be solved.

Rebirth and Awakening

“Ugh… What hit me.” Was all that came to mind as a every muscle felt stiff and numb, as though they were pushed to their limits. Eyes fluttered open, Causing them to be flooded with the dull stinging liquid all over him, he was enveloped by amniotic fluid that poured into his mouth if he tried to scream. A pitch black void in all directions, stinging liquid everywhere, but no sense of danger, quite curious. Stretching his arm out, his right hand meeting resistance met with a soft yet hard leathery surface. … Hand? A dream then, he lost that arm years ago during an incident with a monstrosity disguised as a human. It was not uncommon to dream possessing that arm once more.  Suspended in liquid, but still able to breath, the leathery wall ripping open as nails dragged along it from within, the amniotic fluid spilling forth him following the rapidly draining liquid.

Falling out of the strange flesh prison, the back of Heimdall's head collided with the tile. Turning over forcing out the fluid out of his nose as he did. The acrid stench, annoyed him as his body was mostly numb save for his nose which had an orange film on top of it.  The last of the fluid leaving his nose as he walked through the familiar surroundings as a pleasant yet foul smell wafted into his nose. His lab, what happened that he was in that flesh prison and why was the lab a chilly and drafty discounting being wet. Heimdall noticed a strange weight centered around from his lower back and paid it no heed as a very enticing smell iled his nose, his mouth watered as everything faded to black. He must’ve hit his head harder than he thought, He quickly lied down to let it pas everything faded to black, but not before seeing what looked like a black hand in front of him coming from the encroaching dark.

His eyes opening, the draft gone and enveloped in a warm bright yellow sheet. How many hours was he out, which golem carried him to his bed since he must’ve fallen asleep in the lab? The room was no longer grey, but a bright orange with pink lines running along the entirety diagonally. “What a horrid color scheme, what buffoon thought this was a goo-… oh.“ He thought when he suddenly remembered he was the one who picked it. Half asleep, Heimdal slid to the edge of the bed then sat up looking down at the floor sliding off the bed onto his feet. He must’ve been exceptionally tired since he slept through the changes to the room as he looked around it. Heimdal noticed something he didn’t during his first look through of the room. A mirror, surely there were no more bags under his eyes if he slept so deeply that the changes to the room was made without his knowledge. He walked to the mirror breathing deeply through his nose needing to walk around it in order to see his own reflection, a rosy face and not a worn down tired one to peek back at him would be nice today.

Much to his abject horror, the creature foretold to eat him stared back at him from within the mirror with a red smear on its lips as well as the bright yellow cloth on it. Heimdal let out a scream at a much higher octave than he recognized. The maw of monster before him, agape showing rows of teeth designed to rip and tear. Its eyes wide open as he took a step back, turning to run. The monster came from a mirror, no wonder no one knew of its existence. He ran out of the bedroom, phis wall cleaning golems, p♥ the room smelling of cherries, and down to the armory. 

”Signature not recognized.“

Not recognized? No, it can’t have broken now. Heimdal looked behind himself sure the monster gave chase, but it wasn’t there. Was it in his head or can it not come after him if there’s no mirrors in the area? The voice repeated the line on loop the entire time Heimdal stood there. The voice beginning to irk him, his brows furrowed, Heimdal looked to the sensor and yelled. “Stop that incessant noise you stupid gremlin of a system!” Heimdal’s expression grew from one of annoyance to surprise. was that his voice? It wasn’t gruff, very low, and gravely anymore, but high pitched and smooth in comparison to his own voice almost like a female voice, but that couldn’t be. The monster must have swapped its with his, that’s it. This monster sent his curiosity into overdrive. “I must capture this monster and study it. It’ll be an invaluable t. He looked to the door to the armory as his mind raced with ideas to trap the monster and how he’d go about studying it. He’d just need to build a golem that’d be able to withstand it and capture it, but can he do it before it comes for his life.

A/N or random trivia:
  • She has a tendency in speaking in a very dated manner which she is barely actively trying to fix...
  • She's not easily fooled, but will pretend to be if it looks like it'd be entertaining as a result of what it may be.
  • When it comes to certain activities, she's not hesitant about engaging in them.
  • Absolutely abhors the taste of Jackfruit, and Lychee, but when she was Heimdall they were the holy duo of edible plants, but lychees especially he would eat 10 pounds in a sitting.
  • The first name is in honor of his first (almost) wife's hope of having a daughter.
  • Was supposed to be a male, but to this day, she has no idea what went wrong.
  • Still harbors a grudge with the king of the sea for an incident which cost him his friendship with the princess for a long time back when he was 5 despite it being well over 40 years later.
  • Kiraiah is technically over 80 years old.

// This AI director in darktide has it out for me lol

Part of the missing footage of Kiraiah throwing a tantrum because certain anatomical attributes weren't "up to snuff" after realizing that the body is female instead of male:

changed a profile cover
changed a profile picture