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"Welcome. Welcome ladies and gentleman to this nights spectacle. We have a big show planned for you and i really am glad that you could join. My name is Joker and i shall be the main attraction for tonigths evening. As some may already have guessed or could rhyme together i work ina circus but do not think only cause i do i am easy picking or unable to hold myself against you all. I got some bite in me and those that do not treat me wiht respect will surely notice taht the hard way and then i simply do not care who you are.

For the others that do wish to show respect to me or treat me in a way suitable for a princess like me you are already on the right way to get a bit of a closer look at me or maybe find out how flexible and bendable i actually am. But till then i would let you all first enjoy the show. Afterall i did promised you all there would be quite a spectacle"

With those words the short poodle would slowly climb up into the ring and up a mast holding up the circus tent witha slackline tightened between two or three equally massive masts. Making his way onto the slackline he began to show of various dances and even hang off the line while performing various circus acts such as firebreathing with the help of other employees but also some danceing and jugglign with knives.

"Now for those curious the name is Joker and no i am in no way like this psychotic clown you have seen in any kind of batman related stuff. I am more nimble, saner and most definetly better looking than this bleached clown. But i think that is all you are getting to know about me for now those that wish to know more well come see how that will turn out ocne you meet me. I will give you no promises though this poodle may bite~"


Alright now that that is cleared out lets get to the important stuff rules for an engagement would i say

  1. You Add you message first same way goes for me if i add you i message first
  2. Approaches happen in character unless you use // before the text that way i know it is ooc i will msotly use in character
  3. don't waste my time. If youa re going to be away for logner or are busy just say so i know irl can be quite hard to manage and yet i would just like to know so i do not get left on read jsut cause you can't take theese few seconds.
  4. if you don't like the rp or how it is going say so. I hate nothing more than people not satisfyed with the roleplay but keeping it for themselves and then ghosting someone.
  5. Main roleplays happen in the conversation tabs and the messenger is mainly for setting it all up. Exceptions could be made if you are respectful and ask nicely
  6. Timezones may differ obviously so don't be surprsied if i am online or take some time to reply. could be ebcause i am asleep/working/studying whatever may be
  7. I am here to have fun and not work. So if you expect me to reply right away then don't bother to message me
  8. it will not be good for you if you add me with multiple characters and don't roleplay at all with them i will notice and will just dump you then. Yes its rude but i rather have someone with jsut one character havinga decent rp than 5 characters doing one reply a week cause they thought it'd be smart to gain any attention
  9. if you have read all of this. the first thing i wish to hear from you when you message me is "This circus is divine" simple as that and it helps me get rid of those horned up people wishing to waste my time.

Damn space marine 2 is out and already 3 wh40k characters thats quite a thing would i say.

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Damn really 2 profiles got deleted and i was so happy i found em to rp with. Especially one of em as it was quite a specific character and kinks aswell. This really is a great start to the day

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I am one of the main attractions and performers in the circus. DO you think i just perform? sometimes i also manage guess sometimes a firm hand does help~

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