Jek TK-327

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What would you do in order to provide for someone you love? Jek is the youngest of 4, and the only one who stayed behind while his two brothers and his sister left after the death of their father. For as beautiful as a place it is to live Alderaan also is home to some dangerous wildlife. One morning Jek found himself in a massive argument with his mother telling her it was time for him to go out and see the galaxy, but she was still heartbroken after losing her husband and immediately being left by 3 of her 4 children she begs him to stay on Alderaan. Angered by the argument Jek jumps on his speeder bike and goes into the city to cool off and return after the weekend. When he came back home, Jek discovered his mother had been viciously attacked by a pack of animals. She was still alive but badly injured and her wounds were already infected. The only option he had available now in order to take care of himself and his mother was to enlist in the Imperial army. There he had food and shelter provided to him and his mother's medical bills were taken care of.

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