Here, Zhere, Und Everyvhere

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Cats are mischievous by nature, put one in the body of a boy and the ability to manipulate reality to its whim, and you have opened a box. Schrodinger Box as it where.

If Alucard could return from the existance of the two joining, who is to say Schrodinger couldn’t make a come back of his own? Now without Millenium as an influence, the Catboy makes his own adventures and gets into his own levels of mischief. Is anyone Up to the task of reigning in the ball of mischief? Or will his creativity go unfettered as he does about making his own entertainment and making whoever he wishes as his toy.

I will be roleplaying Schrodinger speech as slightly broken, heavy German accent added in for some flair and flavor to the roleplay. If this upsets you I am sorry but don’t think our roleplay will work out. If any of my attempts confuse you particularly ask for clarification and I’ll translate a bit, though with a little effort the “code” of how he speaks won’t be that difficult to decode.

Limirs: Scat, and Vomit

Aside from those I am happy to try just about any kink! Especially any unique or creative ones!

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