Han'mal Vas'yaska

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Name: Han'mal Vas'yaska

Age: 32

Height: 6'5

Race: Raen Au'ra (FF14 verse) or Dragonkin (Fantasy verse)

Preference: Straight

Features: White scales, Crocodile tail, Horns instead of ears, One green eye and one red eye, Green highlights in hair, and Green eye tends to glow while red is normal or slightly dull color.


Hailing from the Far Eastern lands, Han'mal has taken up traveling as well as mercenary business. Throughout his years, he endured some hardships. From his homeland being occupied by a foreign power, to becoming refugee, and losing his family and nearly his clan.

Yet despite it all, he manages to overcome such hardships and push forward. Today or the next day or the one after that would be no different, as he moves to help those in need. Living life the fullest and seeing what the world has in store for him.

Born and raised in the Kingdom of Doma, Han'mal was trained to be a Samurai. Soon branching off to learn various combat and magic arts. His family, the clan and himself lived peacefully. Living not far from the Doma capital. However, when the Garlemald Empire came and invaded his homeland his clan took up arms to defend it. They fought for as long as they could, but as things began to worsen and Doma looking to surrender, Han'mal and the clan began to withdraw. Most of the clan stayed and waited for a chance to strike back one day. While the rest wished to move away, many heading back to their ancestral roots, some went to the nations of Kugane and Radz-at-Han. The remaining clan as well as himself and his family they made their way towards Eorzea.

Time spent as a refugee was not an easy one for Han'mal and his clan as they were first treated with distrust and weary of who they are, especially those of Au'ra nature. Yet they were able get themselves a plot of land and make themselves useful. Taking on various jobs, as well as committing a few crimes when push came to shove. Eventually, Han'mal took up the profession of an Adventurer/Mercenary. Exploring the lands and taking on jobs to bring in the rewards to help support the clan and his family.

However, as time flew and word reached a group of Ishgardian Knight extremist. Han'mal's world would take a bleak turn, as he and few other came back from a mission only to find their clan m***acred. Mainly the Au'ra people while the others were violently attacked. Han'mal's parents and sister among the dead Au'ra. Many mourned for the loss as their numbers dwindled. Han'mal took it upon himself to take vengence. Hunting down those who did this. Eventually, he managed to find the knights. Punishing each one. Despite such sweet revenge, Han'mal couldn't accept what he had done and what happened to his clan. Thus continuing his path as an Adventurer/Mercenary.

Overtime, he worked to amid himself. Make peace with Ishgard, lead his clan back to Doma to retake his homeland, and so much more. His story in the land Etheirys was far from over...


A Friendly Writer

Here to make stories and make new friends

Don't mind OOC interactions. pic comment conversations, Off-side RP from main ones.

Got questions? Just ask!

Discord Friendly for the right people!

I apologize for anyone waiting for a reply from me, I've injured my left knee it has been hard to walk from place to another even if its a short distance. So I am hold for awhile, again I'm sorry :(

Ello! Having finished FF14 Dawntrail main story I should be here more often, of course I'll still be playing it but I'll pop in here once in awhile for RP and chit chat!

I hope everyone has been doing well! I've been playing Dawntrail like no end haha. I am here, just slow on responding and such!

Please remind yourself to relax while you can!

Onwards to adventure!

With early access Dawntrail out and about, thought I share some music from it! Enjoy this to the start of the weekend!