Felicia Hardy

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Full Name: Felicia Anastasia Hardy

Known Alias(s)- Black Cat

Alignment: Good

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Biological Age: 25

Apparent Age: 17

Birthday: April 23

Place of Birth: Manhattan, NY

Siblings: 0

Other relatives: John Hardesky (father), Anastasia Hardy (mother)

Current Place of Residence: Penthouse in the Isle of Manhattan

Relationship Status: Single

Children: N/A

Interested In: Men & Women

Height: 5'7

Weight: 135 Pounds

Hair Color, Style, and Length: Long platinum blonde

Eye Color: Green

Clothing Style: Casual

Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat, is the daughter of the infamous cat burglar John Hardesky, she inherited not only his skills but also a penchant for the daring world of theft. However, her life took a drastic turn during her college years when a traumatic assault by an ex-boyfriend spurred her to hone her combat skills and acrobatics. Deciding to embrace her father's legacy, Felicia adopted her new persona. Her choice was fueled by a desire for justice and empowerment after the harrowing experience. What made her stand out wasn't just her agility or combat prowess; it was her uncanny subconscious ability to manipulate probability fields, often leading to "bad luck" for her adversaries.

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