Codi Cross

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  • 23 friends

You know that friend your girl tells you not to worry about? Well, meet Codi Cross, or CC for short (to his chagrin). Just look at him, you got nothing to worry about. At first glance you'd probably have just assumed he was another one of your girlfriend's girlfriends. So what if she has a lot less free time since Codi showed up? New friends have to bond, right? And just because she always seems to be walking funny after they hang out, that doesn't mean anything. New girl, uh, guy, must just be clumsy. Even your buddy agreed. You asked him to check on them at that party the other night, and he said everything was fine. Weird though, he was walking kind of funny too... Oh well.

Codi is what happens when a hypnodomme with questionable ethics wants a boy-toy to play with at the snap of her fingers. Someone she could pass off as a girlfriend, but who was packing something to make her real girlfriends drool. But what happens when the one with the keys to all those triggers disappears before undoing them? Will he figure out how she did what she did and start doing the same to others? Or will someone stumble across one of his triggers before he gets the chance? Does he even know he's been hypnotized to act how he does? Should be interesting to see. Let's find out!

*Codi's backstory, setting, abilities and etc can change based on the roleplay. Oh, and here:

By no means a complete list, but a little extra info never hurt!

changed a profile cover
changed a profile picture