Charlie Morningstar

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You know her, you love her. The one and only Princess of Hell Charlie Morningstar!

What can I say about Charlie that hasn't been said? A demon who's trying to save her people from eternal damnation and the yearly extermination. Compassionate to a fault, hates the idea of causing harm to others. Filled with optimism that can blind her to the reality of Hell and its sinners, but hey you try enough times something is bound to work right? (Spoiler Alert! It worked!) She's sweet, kind, book smart, not street smart, but that doesn't make this princess a push over. Insult her or her friends, mock her ideals and this demon has no hesitation in standing up for herself. (Or rolling up the sleeves for a fight.) Sometimes even letting her temper slip and cussing out someone. Susan............

Even with this optimism Charlie knows all sinners can't be redeemed, or even want to change for the better.


  • Being a native hellborn demon Charlie has a full demon transformation that usually appears when she is rightfully pissed off. (Lookin at you Killjoy.)
  • Another perk with being a demon is the ability to summon fire at will. Usually some pyrotechnics, but who's to say there isn't a fireball in the future.
  • Charlie also has access to demonic magic thanks to her parents Lucifer and Lilith. Wouldn't you like to know what that is~
  • Finally conjuration, summoning objects out of thin air. Mostly drawings, sometimes her weapon of choice, a Trident. (I've played enough Hades, shouldn't it be a Bident?)


  • Multilingualism. Fluent in both English and Demonic(is it Abyssal or Infernal?)
  • Hand to hand combat. You saw the news. Killjoy got her ass beat.
  • Musical Talent. Loves to sing and can even play the piano.
  • Dancing. Hey if you're gonna sing might as well learn how to dance too! Tap preferred.

Too early.....

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