✨Pocket Trickshot✨

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- He felt as i he had fallen into a deep sea. Everything was departing from him...the breath in his lungs he once took for granted, the warmth coursing through him, the sensation of muscle and skin, and memories of the love he cherished slipping from his mind. Leaving him to his hollow thoughts as he writhed and struggled alone for the last agonizing minutes of his life...-

-Before long he found himself chasing his mind back into sentience where he was left with the feelings of terror, anxiety, loneliness, and rage since these feelings did not dissipate with his physical body, but remained caged in his new mechanical exoskeleton heavier than ever before.-

-He had heard the call of Azrael and the sounds of death as blood filled his lungs leaving him with the smell of something being charred beyond recognition as the whirl of machinery buzzed around his skull and ears the new blue blood coursing through his once red veins that made their way towards his newly pumping revenge thirsty heart. Cruel memories would begin to resurface as his unforgettable vibrant hatred slowly became a dim golden light in his everlasting darkness. He found himself following this light rushing towards it to keep up, but in the end after exerting every ounce of strength he had the man found himself rising once more to the surface...-

"Welcome to this world, once again",

-He had opened his eyes and a flash of fireworks darted across his vision as the doctors voice rang through his head congratulating him on his return to his dreary earth-

_-He balled his hands that were once pumping with blood and coated with flesh together as he realized now he was only left with no sensation and the sound of cold metallic scratching and he knew-

-He would no longer live for himself-


Howdy!, I will be writing as Boothill and boy am I excited to! I love making new friends and shipping characters of all kinds together especially if it's cute, but I am down for almost any kind of roleplay with anyone as long as you respect my limits and triggers! More will be added to the profile as more is revealed!

Splatoon time!

changed a profile picture

Bought myself some new jewelry ~

I am covered in glitter and so fudging tired. Lemme shower and I'll be with yq

Time to scrub the metal! I bought a new 3 in 1 wash~

Jiyan won't come home in Wuwa!!!