Beatrix Kingston

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Beatrix Kingston is a 13 year old in a small body. She spends most her time reading and also helping at a local animal shelter. Her shy personality normally gets her when she tries to meet people but she has been working on it. (Can discuss age change) The books she reads are lewd books that she sometimes tries to touch herself yet hasn't gotten the hang of making herself cum.

Some Kinks she likes are:

  1. Light choking
  2. toys
  3. collaring (Not pet play or bdsm)
  4. squirting
  5. PRAISE (She loves this)
  6. Light biting
  7. spanking
  8. cum
  9. being tied up

Won't be able to respond for about a week. September 29 to October 5.... I will be on vacation

will respond in the morning. getting some sleep but if you want my Discord, let me know and I can give it to you.

changed a profile picture

Finally got replies done! Sorry for the late responses, work has been getting more hectic!

Sorry I haven't been on. Work has me busy so I hope to get some replies done after work tomorrow. I also am fighting off some sinus issues

Sorry I havent been on lately, have been working and dealing with migraines the last few days

Off to bed I go, night all

Want to apologize for the late responses. Have been working and dealing with random headaches and migraines

Will reply in a bit, going to lay down

Want to apologize for not responding yesterday. I was working and had a bad migraine so I came home and slept

Current Mood:

As much as I would love to reply to more messages, I need sleep. Havent been able to get a good nights sleep... So night all

Current Mood:

Promise to respond to all messages tomorrow. Must go to bed now for a early day tomorrow. Night all!