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Name: Amon ????

Race: Jinn Age: 27 looking (?)

Birth: ?? / ?? / ????

Gender: Male

Height: 6' 2''

Dislikes: Winter / Being cold. Inconveniences Noisy areas

Likes: Summer Desserts Animals

Story so far

Amon was given his name after being found in a building that was seemingly burned down by something, the odd markings of his fingers being charred black. Being taken in by foster parents and raised through his pre adulthood until passing didn't raise any concerns. His anger sometimes raising concerns of those charred markings going further up his arms at times. Even seeming like his appearance wasnt progressing much after not being surrounded by others and he spent his time learning more about the world. Upon noticing this , he pieced together that he wasnt an ordinary person.

The only bit of information he could gather was that he was a sort of reincarnated djinn and his appearance changed because he was subconsciously trying to imitate others around him at how they were growing.

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