Agent Roswell

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Ashley Roswell was born an a fairly healthy baby; grades slightly above average grades between grade through high school. It was a fairly uneventful halcyon life until her first week of college when tragedy struck. Event case number█████ left most of the campus residents deceased, missing or █████████. Be it through sheer force of will, luck, or circumstance, Roswell was found barricaded in a walk-in pantry. Shaken. Startled. But alive.

In most situations similar top brass of the ██████████ ████████ ████████████ dictates that protocol is to terminate survivors of similar incidents. However due to being short staffed due to event case number █████ the organization found themselves in need of warm bodies. So when offered the ultimatum of a job or a bullet to the head, the choice practically made itself.

Currently her role as an paranormal event investigator tends to lead to dangerous predicaments similar to the circumstances of her hire... but at least it pays sufficiently.

Original Character; modern preferences with some fantasy, sci-fi, and slice of life aspects splashed in.

Too damn hot today...

Girls with horns on the mind...