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Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes the things that you discover or summon will change your life forever.

Throughout the course of history. Whether they be demonic, human beastly or otherwise. A creature will rise from nothing and become one of the most feared creatures in history. Where they were summarily slaughtered, imprisoned, sealed away or something else. Usually with the intent of never being set loose upon any realm ever again. Adelayne happened to be just one creature that was sealed away and never meant to be unleashed upon any realm.

It wasn't her lustful nature that she was sealed away. It wasn't her overwhelming demonic power that she was sealed away. It wasn't her desire to claim all as hers, to forge a harem of loyal pets, wives and such. No. It was her virility and the dark magic she could use along with it. The threat of her siring a dark and twisted army of abnormal creatures was the reason she was sealed away. Never intended to be set free in this life or the next, but those that sealed her long ago. Underestimated the power that she had. For if she couldn't leave her imprisonment. She'd simply possess, corrupt another and coerce others to come free her with the promise of what she did to them, she'd do to them with her realm body and all the promises she'd make to them.

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