Abandoned S̶a̶g̶e̶ Blood Knight Alimar

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Berated consistently for years as being useless for anything other than as a luggage carrier and errand boy, Alimar's views of his capabilities were never high. His friend from childhood always stuck up for him, but that changed the day she died. Everyone, but her sister blamed him for it. She and her family knew the truth, but to her disgust, they also blamed him. A cursed child, a bringer of calamity, scum who'd bring upon the village's end. He bore all these titles thrust on him and she could do nothing to help him because he made her promise to not say anything. That was something she hated yet liked about him, always willing to take all the blame to protect her and her sister Mika so they wouldn't get in trouble and have better chances of following their dreams. Unbeknownst to the two, the village head with the clergy and the count all planned to exile him after the ceremony. They looked at the more blasphemous skills and classes before settling on one that no villager would dare question. The skill of blood magic/poison magic/alchemy and class of Blood knight were their determined lie. Poison magic was looked down upon as being a skill given to insidious people and blood knight was usually given to those who'd kill any and betray for their own means. The other skills would be overlooked due to him having Blood knight and poison magic as part of his "official" skills and class. No person given the class blood knight to date was recorded to be a good person and known to fall into the blood rage killing anyone near them in tough battle. They never performed the portion of the ceremony to reveal his class and skills, but feigned doing so showing their chosen class and skills to rile the villagers against him and it worked hook, line and sinker. Everyone was lead to believe Alimar's skills and class was such. Mika's parents made sure to keep the two separate and interfere whenever they could and try to poison her mind with false tales of him which were proving to be fruitless so she was shipped off to another village. The two wouldn't meet until he left and became an adventurer, himself.

While gathering items from the monsters they killed, Alimar was kicked over the edge of the cliff. The leader screamed swinging a scavenged sword into the corpses and hitting a rock. He quickly realized the "useless" knight had the map and his share of potions and now he was without. He was confident they didn't need anymore and walked off scheming to feed his childhood friend a lie. Alimar crashed against the cliff face as he fell down to the darkness. He thought he was going to crash all the way down before dying at the bottom of the cliff. He was half right, when he landed on the bottom, he landed on the half rotted corpse of a giant. Bathed in the putrid juices he groaned and wanted to scream out in disgust, but stopped himself. He couldn't stand a chance against whatever killed the giant, but little did he know, the giant was just a klutz that fell off the cliff and died shortly after impact due to landing on the only large rock rock, it piercing the giant's heart. He moved his arms, wracked in pain struggled to not yell out as he reached into his box to pull out an ex-healing potion. It took over seven minutes from landing to drinking the potion and healing himself up. It was very expensive and the party only had one for each on themselves, but he held only 2, one being the leader's own bottle. He sat up and crawled off the corpse using his worn machete to slow his descent, but he regretted it nearly instantly when he reached the ground. The rotten juices bathing him caused him to yell out in disgust, anger, and despair. He stomped off to get out of the dungeon and find a way to get back at that leader for trying to kill him.

SFW/NSFW profile - Fantasy focused

Notes + random facts:

  • World runs on a class/skill system and depending on the region, class, AND skills will reflect how others look at you.
  • Blood knight class is hated throughout nearly the whole world
  • The false skills are hated in his village
  • True class: Sage
  • True skills: Mysticism, enchanting, and Alchemy
  • has 4 servants (ask him and he'll tell you about 3, but one he'll just say she forced herself to be his servant by using some succubus skill on herself... don't know why)
  • Only the enslavement on herself one will be mentioned as I'm playing him before those other three showed up in his story for now
  • Has/had piss poor self confidence until true class/skills were revealed to the public only stood within that one city unfortunately, still has it.
  • Unknowingly has been using enchanting and alchemy his whole life.
  • Only recently taken to staying in town
  • Physical skills are increased at a slower rate than nonphysical skills due to his true class, but despite this, they're on the higher end due to his life after the ceremony.
  • We may see the old party leader during an adventure roleplay, but don't expect Alimar to confront him the first time.
  • He abandoned his name when he left the village and Alimar isn't his true name, but his nickname his dead friend gave him which only he, her, and Mika know.
  • Warning: Be very careful if you accept anything explosive related from Alimar. If you're not, you may get fat Geralted by a cockroach woman.


  • Cursed child:
  • A Superstition
  • A term attributed to those born with Green hair and eyes.
  • It is believed they can bring Ruin and destruction or a great boon to the place to which they are born
  • IF a death of any kind occurs in the visual range of a cursed child before the ceremony of skills, the fall of the locale will happen unless the child is banished or killed
  • A cursed child living to their first birthday is exceptionally rare as they are killed nearly always before their first birthday
  • There currently exists a total of two living cursed children on the continent and five throughout the world at the time of Alimar's exile from the village
  • The creation of the cursed child superstition involves a "hero" who massacred an entire city leaving the object of his obsession's brainwashed children, all green haired green eye people, the youngest being 20 and oldest 40 to attack the royal knights proclaiming it is the nature of all with green eyes/hair to destroy civilization so decree the dark god, Dinhua.
  • Chuolia
  • Herb used as a part of a cure for hangovers, headaches, and vertigo
  • Dinhua
  • The god of deception
  • The god behind why the first hero was killed by a king
  • Hero
  • One destined to save humanity from the upcoming calamity of the time
  • Vixtar
  • Northern most kingdom of the world, isolated surrounded by mountains
  • Home to many human supremacists
  • smallest kingdom
  • Balgar
  • Homeland to the bat Beastkin
  • one of many underground Kingdoms and allied with the slime kingdom, Muralx
  • Guilds
  • All are legally required to be neutral ground for all
  • Available "legal" guilds: Carpenter, Blacksmithing, tailoring, adventuring, merchant, alchemy, magic, bestiary, and hunting
  • Muralx
  • The south eastern slime kingdom
  • situated in a cave behind an underground waterfall

// 😭 I once had a character with this concept...


// I still can't get over someone IK offsite calling Ringo, Alimar's "emotional support succubus". 😭 It shouldn't fit as well as it does...

Also, working on something for a possible rp storyline and will try to be more rapid with replies in general when things are less busy on my end.

// I should get around to turning on nsfw for this character... meh, I'll do it tomorrow... maybe. First up is some glossary stuff. 🤔 but to do it in abc order or just as I please...

Oh, and warning(will put on profile later): Be very careful if you accept anything explosive related from Alimar. If you're not, you may get fat Geralted by a cockroach woman.

ooc: ... wow. I was not ready for that ending for Land of the Lustrous at all. Now I get why I saw some people being like "not like this" Pho... 😭