If the Courier was born in the Cyberpunk universe...

What if a certain Mojave legend was born in the universe of Cyberpunk?

Michael Adams would be born into a Nomad clan. His parents being ex-Militech. His mother was a medic for the Militech soldiers, while his father would be a former soldier for them. It is unknown if they deserted, were terminated, or were discharged. One time, the clan would set up camp near Night City. This would allow Michael to learn more about the city and learn about many of the city's legends, such as Johnny Silverhand, Morgan Blackhand, Andrew "Boa Boa" Weyland, and even Adam Smasher. He wanted to become like those legends, but better.

When he came of age to be on his own, he would enlist to be a part of Militech's corpo army. Rising through the ranks, he would become a very skilled soldier, always ready to take on the mission. His drive and skills were rewarded with combat implants that would become a part of him. More specifically, the Miltech made Falchon Sandevistan and a wrist device with multiple functions dubbed 'The PipBoy', among other implants. He would even be part of a group of specialists known as The Couriers, his callsign being Courier Six. There was a story where Michael aka Six would hide in a pile of bodies and when his targets where close, he would rise like the dead and kill them. This earned him the title 'The Man Who Rose From the Grave'. One day however, the Couriers were betrayed, and Six was forced to kill one of his own, who turned traitor. Years of service, Six was given a chance to be discharged due to the Couriers being disbanded, which he took. Finding the Nomad clan he was born into somewhere in the Mojave, he would learn that his father is fatally sick and took this moment to speak with him for one last time. Taking his father's old riot gear and his motorcycle, Six would wander the Badlands for years...

Courier Six would than make his way to Night City, now dressed up modified riot gear with a duster and a helmet. His rep would rise from the gigs he would take as a merc, using his skills, his charm, and his reputation. He would be known as the Merc of Mystery, as no one knows who is he, where he comes from, and why he's in Night City. All that is know is that Courier Six is one of the very few who can take on Adam Smasher.....and live. Some see it as the second coming as Morgan Blackhand, others see it as a deadly omen of things to come. Armeed to the teeth, Courier Six is the one solo that any fixer would call for an extreme high risk job....

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