Erebus Story chapter 2: The prophecy!

“It seems your saving that child gave us more trouble than expected. I am tired of this Morgana. We have all these years just fled from one village to another. Those knights won’t stop hunting for us. Why did you have to save him? We all knew of what could potentially become of him, ugh should have just let him burn along with the village.” A certain man in his early 20s muttered as he sat by the kitchen table. Was Saros his name? One of the three survivors from that fateful night 15 years ago. Unlike Morgana who showed a deep care towards Erebus, Saros on the other hand was not too fond of the teenager they had taken responsibility for.

“I am tired of this bullshit every morning, Saros. You always complain about him. I could not let a two year old die now could I? Someone had to save him.” The sorceress grunted out in frustration as she approached the man by the table and gave her head a smack. “I do not care about whatever rumor, so called fate…destiny or anything. That young man is something special. He saved your ass countless times and did you even bother to thank him? No, all you do is complain!”

“Can’t you see it in his eyes? That man does not care about any human at all. He lacks empathy. "He is a psycho! Or is it the fact you love him that blinds you so much?”

The raven haired female could feel her cheeks heat up upon hearing his words before she turned around with her back facing him. “Brother, you and your nonsense. He is way too young for me.” Morgana muttered under her breath as she walked towards the sink to wash off the dishes. Of course she had grown something for the young man. He was the only one left of their kin that was not blood related despite her being 8 years older than him. “He is like a younger brother to me and you should feel the same. I start to feel like you are ungrateful for all the times he saved you from danger.”

Upstairs, Erebus laid in his bed his pillow wrapped around his head to hold tightly to avoid their arguing. It had been awfully a lot recently every damn morning and he could never wake up in the proper way it felt like. When the voices from downstairs finally subsided, a sigh of relief escaped the males’ lips as he gently got up from the bed and stretched out his arms.

Standing at 6’3, Erebus was taller than most people which caught many by surprise. Most people nowadays barely hit 6 feet tall so the young sorcerer definitely stood out when it came to that aspect. Walking towards the wardrobe, Erebus reached for a simple black t-shirt to put on along with matching pants.

Letting out a yawn, Erebus made sure to wash his face and brush his long, black colored hair before making his way downstairs to join the two by the kitchen. Something that made the elder brother groan in annoyance. “Speaking of the Devil…” As a response, Saros just received a glare from his sister.

“A devil that will save your ass again soon I assume?” A wicked grin spread across Erebus’ lips as he walked towards Morgana to give her a gentle hug before sitting down by the table. Now, Erebus was never someone that was hungry during mornings. However, he did enjoy spending time with the two and talking and as much as Saros despised him, Erebus honestly did not feel the same at all. That man raised him, or well at least he was responsible for making sure Erebus had food on the table and a roof above his head. As much crap Saros talked about him, Erebus would be grateful for his actions. Actions speak more than words after all.

“So what is on the Agenda for tonight?

“We are leaving tonight. There are rumors that the royals are on their way here. We should just leave the country at this rate.” The oldest of the three responded bluntly as he closed his eyes and let out a sigh. Maybe that was the best option. After all, he was tired of just running around in stress from one village after another.

“I see. Also, I know you do not like me. But why, why is it that. Morgana seems to have no problem with me.” Erebus honestly had no clue as to why he was treated like this by Saros. He had never hurt the man or vice versa. They were a family right? Well not by blood but their bond was certainly like that. The two received a look from the female which was more directed to the brother. “Yes brother, tell him why he is so dangerous won’t you? You believe in every nonsense don’t you? Whatever. I will take a shower.” The female spoke in an annoyed tone as she left the kitchen leaving the two.

“Erebus…do you know what happened that day 15 years ago. You got raided yet survived, I do not know how but something is not right…”

“Actually I know.” The male muttered as he tilted his head down, looking at the ground. “I sometimes have dreams of it. Well I believe it is flashbacks. I saw it…how my mother was killed right in front of my eyes. I was hiding. He later found me but something happened…he dropped me and suddenly one bone after another cracked. My eyes turned crimson red and all I can remember from that night was the hatred that was displayed on my face. I killed him, Saros. Not consciously yet I did then your sister saved me. She changed my fate, Saros and I will be forever grateful for that.” The male muttered under his breath before he slowly lifted his head up showing the male a genuine smile.

“I see, that might confirm this even more. Erebus…there has been a destiny, no more likely a prophecy about you. Your powers are immense and according to it they are not good. When you have reached your potential you will seek revenge. You are destined to eradicate the human kind. Now my sister thinks it is rubbish, but I have seen you in action when you saved me. You enjoy it, you like killing don’t you?”

This was not any new news for the young sorcerer. Just like his dreams about his past. He had other dreams about people saying similar things. What did surprise him was the fact that the man just told him off that bluntly. Standing up from his seat, he walked towards the window. Watching the children play around on the street before he suddenly raised his voice up.

“Just like you mentioned, it is very true what you have heard. Now, I have no clue if it is true. In fact I have not hurt a single innocent being you know that right? The only ones I have killed are when any of us are put in danger and you know that! It is true I hate the human kind however, but I won’t hurt an innocent soul because of it. But if I truly change…” Erebus exclaimed as he turned around facing the elder sorcerer as his once genuine expression turned into a cold one.

“Then so be it.”

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