Scion of the Dark Mother

"The Begotten use multiple names to refer to the Mother of Monsters: Lilith, Echidna, Circe, Tiamat, Mama Crow, the Demon Queen of the West and many more figures that feature in Chaoskampf myths. Modern Begotten sometimes identify her with concepts like entropy and the eventual heat-death of the universe. For the Begotten, the stranger things that stalk the world, like vampires, werewolves, mages, prometheans, mummies, changelings and Sin-Eaters, are all part of her extended family tree. Other supernaturals may have forgotten their origin, but the Begotten know that all monsters are secretly Kin."

A Scion of the Dark Mother is a legendary race in Veylen's world. Known shorthand as "Begotten", they're ascended forms of monsters who have reached the peak of their evolution, and further gifted by her matronly blessings. Scions aren't uniform in their appearance, often varied between titanic behemoths, or simple eldritch horrors in human guises. Regardless of their shape, however, they can all touch upon their Path of Ruin feature to inspire greater awe and terror in creatures around them.

Path of Ruin - An aura ability that allows the Scion to manifest an aura of majesty, commanding either love or horror by the weak-minded creatures who behold them. The Scion can manifest one of the opposing aspects of this aura, Ishtar (Adoration) or Astaroth (Terror) but not at the same time.

Shroud of Nyx - Scions of the Dark Mother have intense magical potency, and can resist the worst effects of spell casting upon them. Spell damage is halved for the Scion as long as they have <50% MP.

Mother's Milk - Blood of the Dark Mother pulses in the veins of her favored children. A Scion can feed their blood to a single monster, granting it a temporary boost across all its stats.

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