Comment to 'OOC: guess I should have shared when I first made this page. Yes...'
  • Feeling a finger shoved down his throat was the fastest way Fenix got rid of the fictional stars encircling his head and awakened. He swallowed the foreign object in his throat, turning his head with his hand clasping over his mouth to cough before composing himself. He glared at ChiChi, "The hell is wrong with you!? Who said you can throw a freaking food cart at me like that?!" The victim yelled at ChiChi, brandishing a fist in front of her probably for the first time since they'd known each other.

    • "I JUST SAVED YOUR LIFE AND THATS THE THANKS I GET!!" She yelled back. Flames now burning comically in her eyes while smoke blew from her ears. "NEXT GET YER OWN DAMN PRETZELS I'M NOT YOUR HOUSEWIFE!!"