Comment to 'Are you well aware of site features and the applications enough to use them? Or do we need to bring back the Wiki?'
  • I think for some features you could do something similar to like what you did with the whole video to profile thing. Cause I find that some people don't know how to use Conversations tab yet. Some say it's "complicated" when in reality it's rather.... straightforward. The first message is always the chat title, from there everything is basically like interacting with a post.

    But it's mainly that first message I find many forgetting which would lead to a super long title to scroll down every reply if they're the type to do multi para starters.

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    • Great idea, though to save on screen space, I may try something akin to a Help Tour for that. I would just need to know where people are confused in X application, such as the Conversations app.

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      • From what I've seen it's just starting it 💀

        The one constant reminder I put frequently just in case is the first message is always the title in conversations.

        Though some notice the reply feature like posts and some don't notice it. So I suppose mentioning that too might do them some good.

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        • True, Conversations app is a different take on private messaging, so it's going to work differently than the norm which people are use to. I may need to redo the creation form to make it clear on what field does what.

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