Comment to '"Come on, Major. They said it was to boost moral! ...A-and get m...'
  • "Camaraderie and authority are equal in a platoon like this. If I was just a scary commander, I doubt we'd get very far... and it's nicer if we can get along. The harsh training and the joint celebrations go hand in hand. I think we've made it this far because we've gone through hardship together, so if anything I guess I'm grateful the battalion is able to see me as a commander as well as a comrade. Maybe keeping a lighter tone just slightly more of the time won't kill me." Right. The maid outfits. She eyed them both again. Tanya personally would be fine not keeping hers... She still found it a little fascinating what a nice fit it was for Visha, though. "No harm in asking, but I doubt it. They probably wanna repurpose them, so I'd say unless we have a substantial reason, we won't be allowed."

    • Hearing Tanya felt like a confession. It was surprisingly heartwarming, and made it impossible for Visha to resist the smile growing on her face. There just had to be some kind of word or term for her behavior, she just wasn't sure what it was! "Maybe that's why we want to push hard to get better. We're all trying to make you proud to lead us. So thank you, 'Master'." With that comment she laughed, implying it to be just a joke. "That'd be to bad, I don't have a very good reason for keeping it.. I just wanted to wear it around our barracks."

      • If anyone could, Tanya was probably the one who'd know what to call this... though clearly she would never entertain such terms being used about her like this. She was going to comment on her big smile, but she got distracted. Master... "Well, maybe I'll be able to come up with something." Was wearing it at the barracks a good idea? How did men feel about maids in this world? She couldn't gauge that off the clueless Visha, and it was enough for them to be asked to dress up for a photoshoot. In any case, she'd rein in the guys. "If you want to wear it that bad, I'll give it a shot."

        The image of maid Visha serving her coffee with that same innocent smile was pretty good. She had never particularly bought into the maid trope in her previous life, but she was starting to see the vision.