Comment to 'Getting dressed'
Comment to Getting dressed
  • "Look on the bright side. If we both work at it, we'll probably be done before the day's over." Beats working overtime. Considering they were currently just on standby and they had to be on alert, it wasn't ideal, but it was at least close to the military life Tanya was fighting for. Though how much peace of mind you can have with self-proclaimed divinity getting in your way is up for debate. Though, she was completely content with a boring life behind a desk. Thrills in the heat of the moment is not worth risking your life.

    • "That is true..." Visha would mutter. She would nod her head. "But, before I can even think about any of that, I need at least some coffee in my system." Visha would reach to try and find the rest of her uniform. ...Where did she put it anyway? She sort of just discarded it the previous night. Stepping around the room, she found it fortunate that Tanya kept her room tidy.