Comment to 'EHH?! '
Comment to EHH?!
  • The insatiable thirsty wild May's bright ruby red eyes glazed over with needy want and hunger as she somehow, couldn't tell you how exactly, immediately pinpointed the young blonde's hidden location and expertly pounced atop him, pinning him under her heaving soft chest and visciously attacked his adorable face with pleanty of lewd wet kisses! "Mwwwah~! Mwwaaaah~! Mine~! Mwwaahh~!"

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    • She was practically drooling when she set eyes on him that even though he feigned his trying to avoid her now that she had closed the distance to the point he was basked in the red glow of her alpha eyes it was pretty intimidating. Soon he was booby slammed, a new variant of a pokemon move and was spammed with sweet kiss. He yelped at first but he began to giggle as she claimed her victim. Alpha May likely knew draining kiss as well~