Comment to 'Finally, summer is here!'
  • Tanya could only imagine. It's not like sex ed was amazing in her previous life either, but with evolving technology, information of all kinds were spread regardless so a lot just became common knowledge, but here she couldn't be particularly surprised by the gap in knowledge. Hell, with Visha's personality there's the chance she'd still not know. Perhaps teaching her about these things was part of the charm. She showered her further in kisses before having made it all the way to one of her nipples, which she captured in her mouth and teased with her tongue. All the while she kept a steady pace with her hips, exploring deeper as she went on, bit by bit.

    • She was happy, for many things, really the entire situation could almost seem like a blessing when you took all of the pieces into account. Sure, maybe the dull pain and her mind hyper fixated on the feeling of her insides parting, having to open and adjust itself to every push that Tanya made, she was distracted partially thanks to the kisses. The sensation and anticipation building as she made her path all the way up her torso and to her sensitive nipple, getting a low moan out of her. Her hands continuing to play with her hair, all while her nipple hardened against her tongue as she played around with it.