Comment to 'Vera'
Comment to Vera
  • Blushing herself, it was only Vera who was ever able to make Astrid have such a reaction. Feeling the belly of her sister beneath their hands, Astrid felt her heart race and near burst from her busty chest as she heard her sister's words. "And you'll have both, my love." Astrid spoke, leaning her forehead against Vera's, staring deeply and lovingly into Vera's eyes. "To make you a mother is my joyful goal. To love you until my last breath is my heart desire."

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    • The sight of that blush drew Vera’s hand to her cheek tenderly caressing that soft skin, adoring the warmth they conveyed against her palm. With their foreheads pressed together the outside world seemed to melt away, her lips mere inches from her sister’s making her heart soar as her grasp on her hand briefly tightened. “You forget dearest, that my greatest wish is precisely the same~ To make you a mother~ To create a Herd with you~ All my heart longs for is you beside me and our ever growing family~ <3”