Comment to '”A life without passion is a slow way to freeze to death.~”'
  • “Ugh~!” Sybil began fanning herself with her hand. “You are already hot…. how are you even hotter!?”

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    • A smirk formed across the males' lips as he reached for her throat and got a firm grasp as he leaned in closer. "Hotter, you are flattering me too...much Sybil.~" The demon king whispered in her ear as his hot breath hit her earlobe.

      • A grin formed upon her lips as she felt his fingers wrapping around her throat. His closeness causing her to shiver, “I don’t think there is a ‘too much’ when I get to look upon you, Erebus.” Her hand gently grasping his forearm. “I can’t help it~”