Topaz Nakamura

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Birth Name: Topaz Himari Nakamura

Nickname(s): The Sexy Ninja Bee, Sexy Ninja Bluette, Bluette

Place of Birth: The Yamato Province

Age: 10,000+ Years of Age

Eye Color: Gold (Normal), White (Purity of the Soul Form)

Hair Color: Blue (Normal), White (Purity of the Soul Form)

Relationship Status: Single

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian (Futanari Welcome!.)

Gender: Female

Occupation: Grand Master of the Nakamura Clan

Bust: Just 👀



Topaz grew up in a small village in ancient Japan to a loving father and mother who did everything they could to give her a beautiful life and they did indeed succeed in that, because of the love they gave her Topaz grew up into a loving and caring young woman..she was loved by everyone in her village because of how she treated everyone and she was always willing to help out when she could. Her personality and who she was matched her appearance, she was the most beautiful girl not only in her village but in the empire as well and because of that it drew the attention of the emperor himself. The emperor was a cruel man, one that believed that only those who had power and stature mattered..he was a man who loved the finer things in life and because Topaz was the prettiest girl in the empire he saw her as just another prize to be won. The day he came to her village was the day her life completely turned upside down, that was the day he came for her and while her father tried to reason with the emperor and beg that he not take her his pleads were only met with a beating by the royal guard..this broke Topaz’s heart and to get the beatings to stop she agreed to leave with him. 


Topaz didn’t expect her life to be great when she agreed to being the emperor’s wife but she didn’t expect it to go as horrible as it did, she knew that he was a cruel man but she didn’t know how cruel he truly was until she started living with him. He was violent and abusive, he expected perfection with everything that Topaz did and when she made a mistake or failed at something he would abuse her..there were times when he simply beat her just to beat her. Whenever the two had sex that abuse was evident as well, he was extremely rough with her and it usually ended with her having bruises on multiple parts of her body. It was a miserable life she lived but she endured all of it just to keep her parents safe, her family and the people she had grown to love like family was all she cared about..she just wanted everyone safe. Things would change again after she found out the truth, when an unsupervised visit to her village to see her family turned into a living nightmare..her worst nightmare had become reality. They weregone, every last single one of them were gone..the village was had been destroyed and scattered about the ground was the bodies of the people she loved. Her parents and all of her friends dead, she was broken again..her reason for living had been taken from her and all she wanted was to take he own life so that she could be with them once more. 

Things didn’t make sense, even during her heartbreak she could see that this didn’t happen recently..that this happened long ago and maybe not long after she had left the village to begin with. The heartbreak she felt would soon be replaced with an unbridled rage in which she had never felt before, she no longer wanted death..she wanted revenge and she would get it. That night was the last night the emperor would ever touch her, using the art of deception Topaz would lead the emperor into a sense of comfort and security by offering him a massage..she wanted him comfortable for the fire he had set ablaze within her soul. Once she accomplished her goal she covered his eyes, using her feminine wiles to seduce him into thinking she would please him but instead she would draw a dagger she had hidden away and with a swift swipe at his throat she would take the life of the emperor. Topaz planned his murder all the way down to the last detail including her escape from the empire, during one of her many excursions around the grounds she had found a tunnel that lead her out of the was old and hadn’t been used in quite a long time so she used it as a means of escape from her life. The young blue haired woman would grab everything she needed for her escape and after cleaning up she escaped into the night, leaving the kingdom and her past behind her.


With her past behind her Topaz had already planned her next course of action, her next destination and that destination was the Nakamura Temple..a safe haven and temple of peace in which her grandfather lived. Upon her arrival he stood at the front entrance as if he had been waiting for her, once she had seen him she no longer held back all the wave of emotions she felt and she broke down..falling into his arms and he held her assuring her that while things seemed their darkness at the moment that there would soon be light. Weeks had went by and her life shifted once more, a sense of normalcy would begin to form and it was a feeling Topaz wasn’t used to but one she started to feel like it did when she was back in the village with her parents and it was nice. 

At the time Topaz believed her grandfather to be just a simple man but eventually she would learn that he was much more than she realized, one night after dinner her grandfather would ask to speak to was a conversation he felt was long overdue and now that she was here with him it was a conversation that needed to be had. What she was told she simply did not believe, she was told that she was different than most..that she had something inside of her that had just recently been unlocked. The Soulfire, an ancient flame that ignites inside of people known simply as “The Chosen” is said to ignite during a moment where it is needed the most and Topaz’s moment was when she saw that her village had been annihilated by the emperor. Her grandfather told her that that it was a wild fire and if it goes unchecked it had the potential to change into nothing but pure destruction, he told her that he could refine the flame inside of her and give it purpose..that is when the offer to train her would come. Topaz didn’t understand any of this, to her it simply sounded like a fairytale..something that parents told their children to make her feel special but she couldn’t deny that when she saw her village destroyed there was a shift inside of her that made her feel different, powerful even so with a bit of hesitance she agreed.

Much was revealed to her in the next coming day, the temple she knew as just her home was simply a front for the Nakamura Clan..a sacred group of deadly and proficient ninja her grandfather trained and sent out to protect those who could not protect themselves. The training was hard and brutal for her, it was something that she was simply not used..she was placed with one of her grandfather’s best ninja’s and Chosen Koharu Hayashi. During the time that the two of them spent together a romance would begin to bloom, Topaz knew it was wrong..she knew that it was unethical for two women to be involved in a romantically charged relationship but the truth was Koharu showed her the love and affection she desired and deserved. Koharu was everything Topaz wanted, she was strong, disciplined, loving, protective, and the first night the two got intimate she also found out she was well equipped should the two of the desired to have children in the future. 

As time went along Topaz begun to get stronger and faster, her Soulfire would begin to manifest itself in the form of blue flames..her hand to hand combat quickly became unmatched only by Koharu and her grandfather himself. The day had come when Koharu and her squad was sent on a mission to stop a warlord whom looked to enslave a kingdom, Topaz of course wanted to take a long for support but now that she had grown in stature she had her own squad to lead on a separate mission..the two said goodbye not knowing that would be the last time the two would speak again. A month had passed and Topaz had finally returned home with her squad, she was excited to see Koharu since she should have returned as well but upon arriving home she was met with horrible news..only one of her squad members had made it home and it wasn’t Koharu. She had perished on in battle against the warlord but even still was able to kill him before finally giving into her wombs, once more Topaz would suffer another tragedy in her life..after finally finding her happiness it was taken away from her just like her parents was taken away from her. Despite that she pressed forward, trained even harder then she had before..became even stronger and faster then she had before. Her Soulfire had grown exponentially and she was able to utilize it in her fighting style to perfection, she wanted to honor Koharu the best way she knew she could and that’s by making her proud of how strong she had gotten and she believed to that she had succeeded in doing that.


After her training was complete she knew that her place wasn’t at the temple, the people of Japan weren’t the only people who needed help..they weren’t the only ones who needed to be freed and protected by those looking to destroy, enslave, and harm in any way that they could. After speaking with her grandfather and telling him how she felt he agreed to allow her to venture out and do more then in other ninja in the clan was able to do. After gathering what everything she would need, from clothes to rations she said her goodbyes to her grandfather and to all of those she had grown close to before heading out into a new world she didn’t know much about. 


As the centuries went on times changed but the evil in the world didn’t, Topaz doesn’t look as if she had aged a bit from all that time ago..her Soulfire had grown and unlocked new abilities one of them being the ability to not age. Even now she still carries on the good fight, protecting those who can’t protect themselves..while her grandfather is no longer with her the Nakamura Clan had grown in numbers. Their forces now spread out across the world and Topaz now the grand master. She still holds onto the her parents, Koharu, and her grandfather and uses them as a driving force to make the world a better place.

When I get home. I'm going to give you the platinum treatment. In other words. I'm going to give you a good RP starter that is story focus. Because you're worth it. Myaaah! D"X

Until then, I gtg. My replies will be slow. DX

I sent you all the picks I can find before bed. DX

I hope there any of them you would like. x.x