火Kasai Haruji火

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First Name: Kasai

Middle Name: N/A

Last Name: Haruji

Alignment classification: Neutral/Evil.

Nickname/Alias: None, don't want any.

Age: Over 200000 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality and Status: Straight, single, and looking.

Race: Elemental Spirit.

Your creator: God.

Classification: Fire.

Home: Heaven and Hell.

Possessions: Souls and deals.

Language: Speaks the langue of the Gods and English.

Transportation: Uses his fire to fly or Teleports to any fire.

Family: None, The list below is people adopted by me.

Girlfriend / Wife:

Misstress: Nikki Kijjin

Little sisters:



Step- big sis:

Step-little sis:

Big sisters:






Childhood friends:





People In contracts With: Nikki Kijjin

Friends and Allies: N/A

Enemies: Too many





-Causing trouble

-Burning things




Color: Black, Red, Grey, White, Green

Food: Flames.

Dessert: Souls of the damned.

Drink: Alcohol, Gasoline.

Snack: Flamming Marshmallows.

Place: Bathing in a nice volcano.

Weapon: Inferno. (His red bladed Katana) And the ability to bend fire to his will.

Saying: All flames are my creation.

Time of Day: Morning and afternoon.

Time of Year: Summer.

Weather: Hot and sunny.


- Getting too close to people.

- Water (really hates water).

- The ocean.

- Betrayed again

-being alone forever

Goals: More deals.

Habits: Causing trouble.

Hobbies: Sex, Sword fighting, and burning things.

Strengths: Charisma. Persuasion.


- Water.

- Well-endowed women.

- Milfs.

- Elemental attacks.

Power origin: Born with it.

Let me tell you my story so far. I was created by the almighty himself before Lucifer was even born. I am the very element of fire, Holy and demonic flames are one of my many creations as they are a part of me. I have the power to make any normal person or thing into a fire-wielding mage as well as I can take away any fire from anyone or anything if I do not see they are worthy. Even if they are fireproof or heatproof I can also take those abilities away. My body is made of molten stone as my many flames give my body color. I lowered the heat of my body to ninety degrees Fahrenheit, to that of a human's core temperature to fit in. I was God’s Assassin / Knight, God created the other elemental to help with my missions as the beings on these planets we traveled to began to evolve as we had to put them down, It felt like we were his murderers. As time passed and all the souls I ate became sickening, I couldn’t stand it any longer, the pointless murders, innocent lives taken from small infants, women, men, and even the old. If we had a mission we had to complete it no matter what. One day we were sent to the human world known as Earth to eradicate all beast-like creatures, monsters, and demons, so we split up to cover more ground that’s when I saw a small red-haired zombie girl with light skin with stitches about to be swallowed whole by a large hole made from the Earth elemental but I had saved her as she was badly injured and it was none of my business as it would have been one less person to kill, but something inside me lit up as I could not see this zombie girl die, So I incinerated the Hole and filled it with magma then quickly cooled it to save the small child. The child was weak and passing on from the torture she endured, So I let her cheat death by spilling a drop of my blood inside her mouth as her wounds began to fade as if the wounds on her body were burned away as if they had never happened. Once the girl regained consciousness, she thanked me and told me her name was Zombina. Despite my mission, I let her live and hid her away so they couldn’t find her as I gave her a fighting chance to survive, but God wasn’t too happy with my betrayal as he saw me as a now incomplete being as he ordered the other elementals to kill and seal me in God’s new realm called Hell. As the elementals brought me to my knees and held me down, cutting off my head with an ice blade before tossing my body into the newly created flameless cold realm where my body was sealed with chains and seals, Even though my body was sealed, my power leaked out and began to coat this cold flameless realm he called Hell with my flames till it couldn’t hold them any longer. Even though my body has decayed over time, I laughed at the thought of getting my revenge and that one day it will happen. Years had passed until the realm opened up and a female angel that had fallen came down and now I wasn’t alone. The fallen angel found my body and unshackled me from the seals, once unbound the flames began to return to my decayed body restoring me completely as a black scar went all the way around my neck and my eyes had changed as my Sclera were now black. I looked towards the fallen female angel and as of thanks I kept Hell warm for her and gave her the use of my fire without a contract, This female’s name is Lucifer. Before stealing some of her grace, I warned her I would leave this place with or without her but she decided to stay. As I used what little grace she had left, I was able to open the realm only for a brief moment as I wound up in a place called modern-day Earth.

In the heart of a vast, scorched desert, where the sun blazed mercilessly upon the earth, Kasai, the embodiment of all flames, sat upon his throne. His figure was grand and intimidating, cloaked in robes that flickered like flames themselves. Smoke tendrils danced from the corners of his eyes while he played with a small fireball that swirled in his palm, casting shifting shadows across the walls of his throne room—a cavern carved out of burnt rocks and glowing embers.

Kasai had witnessed centuries unfold. He had seen kingdoms rise from ash and crumble beneath their own weight. Yet here he was, alone with only the sound of crackling embers for company. He did not seek adoration; he found solace in silence and contemplation.

As he waited for anyone bold enough to approach him, he reflected on his existence. The flames were more than mere destruction; they symbolized renewal and change—the way life flickered into being and then faded out in an endless cycle. But would anyone recognize this truth? Would they see him beyond the heat and destruction?

Replies and greetings later.

Embodiment of fire (Kasai), Embodiment of lust (Kimiko).

Will be back later, The Shower is calling to me on this hot muggy day.


Slow replies due to real-life activities, But to all my new worshippers, I look forward to getting to know you all.

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