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(Main Note: I am a Novice Animator. Making Posters and Eventual Videos. I am NOT a Modeler. I do not/cannot create Models, and sucks terribly at textures. If I have the Character, can make things for Friends.)

(Disclaimer: I'm a lazy Mofo, and need to create more pictures. Sue me x.x)

On Another note; I'm quite chill, and will friend just anyone. So, no need to hesitate, and all that.

(Note: I may change story. Depends. Not sure yet.)

(Note Whatever; didn't thought I had to put this, but no random starters.)


Name: ████

Alias: "Zero"

Gender: Male

Age: ████

Species: Fox

Height: 5'11"

Weight: ███

Eye Color: Heterochromia (Right: Luminous Vivid Red, Left: Brilliant Malachite Green)

Fur: Reddish Brownish Gray

Hair: Strong Red

Home: Astriorilia

Occupation: Scientist/Researcher.

ID #59717

One of the Co-Founders of a Government funded Organization simply named "The Foundation", overseen by his Co-Founder, Amelia. He had been tasked with overseeing, and personally attending to, and studying some of the more dangerous Entities; particularly 2401 and 2867. 2401, or as he dubbed it "Hollow", is one peculiar Entity. Usually it would kill the soldiers that come close, but yet...it seem to take a fondness of him, which is both strange to him, and Amelia. This caused him to become 2401's caretaker, to further study this behavior.

2867, also dubbed simply "Mora" is a different story. Unlike 2401, it's capable of speech. Some Entities in the Facility had shown the ability of speech, and even normal Human behavior, but 2867 is of a different story. It's personality, and even some of it's ability is almost akin to the Cheshire Cat. A Large grin always appearing upon its face. 2867 seem to find enjoyment out of freaking out other people, including licking the glass window separating it, from them, showing off the full length of it's inhumanly long tongue.

One thing that Amelia is unaware of, is that fact that Zero have an illness that he refuse to tell anyone. Only one other person who knows, who is both his doctor, as well as his Secretary at the Foundation. She had prescribed him temporary treatment to it, in the form of pills that he take at least once daily to keep it under control. As per promise, she will not tell anyone, especially Amelia of this condition.

During the Rampage of 1866 through Cresa City, he ended up meeting a young Two-Tailed Female Fox named "Noriko" who, against Amelia's better judgement, he helped her out. The Mission was only to Contained the Escaped Subject, 1866, Amelia didn't cared for the innocent lives, or the people who would get hurt in the process, and of course, he had helped from Noriko to contained, and capture 1866.

During one specific Recon Mission to contained 2867, he had a strange encounter with what he would call a "Space Vixen" since she was... As the title implied a Vixen from Space. The meeting was a bit...strange, though, different from 1866... Despite the size difference and the brute force of 1866, 2867 had to be proceed with caution. She is highly dangerous... But, this Vixen shown to be quite the asset when it comes to containing 2867.

My memory is not what it used to be. I just put my phone in my pocket, and immediately forgot where I put my phone.

Welp, I'm up. I'm awake. So yeah, need me? I'll be around, doing things. What? No idea. Probably the usual.

Current Mood:

Been messing around with Absol, and kinda like the sharp teeth. Think I might keep 'em.

I took a long ass nap. Still not sure what to do. Wanna bang Verosika. But my motivation is nonexistent at the moment...

Think I'll throw Loona in the mix for free...

Holy Muffin in lamb sauce! I completely forgot I had an Absol! I need to use her, too! Throwing Kiduna in there too, cause god, I love her so much!!

I once again, rejoined the Realm of the Living! Good morning all, and all that hot jazz. Now, if you excuse me, I am gonna die for the next few hours!

I've done literally fuck all today. Let's change that, and get to...you know, doing something. I already have Kakariko Village up. Why? I dunno, looking into scene building, and was just looking at some stuff. Verosika's also there, cause I am starting to really like her.

Update: Added Kakariko's Graveyard, and Kokiri Forest. Why? Hell if I know. All I know is, Verosika's there now.

Wow. I am awake way earlier than usual. Welp, time to get back to doing what I was doing...as soon as I remember WTF that was.




Oh yeah, something about Verosika.


I think...

Current Mood:

I am officially back from the dead. Took longer than I'd like, kinda overslept, and was so rudely awaken by a phone call from mother dearest to grab something. Oh well, can't get back to sleep, so I am here. Bug me if you want. Or not. Gonna be keeping myself busy with Colleen. She's a good poochie.

Demons. Some tiny little red skinned, horned creatures. Definitely a study, I'm sore!

Current Mood:

Well, I've awoken. Gonna be some getting used to... Though had to drag myself out of bed. Blah, still wanna go back to bed... x.x

So, I am currently here, for now.

I have a list of 5 Characters plus Positions...I actually think I am going to increase it to 10. Just to keep myself busy, and preoccupy.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the list been increased from 10 to 16. I'll get to the first 6, then get to the 10 at night, when I know I'll have some privacy.

I now has a poodle! And ohhh, she a cutie!

Yeah, I'll admit, I have no idea where I was going with that x.x