Zak Okami

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Fantasy: Zak is a Shifter. A Shifter is a decendant of werewolf and human offspring, most Shifter's can not fully transform fully such as werewolves but Zak is a special and very rare individual who has been blessed and given the power of the Okami. When Zak was born he came out looking a bit different than most Shifter's with wolf ears and a wolf tail where Shifter's usually do not have them, but he was loved all the same by everyone in his small village community, his grandfather taught him martial arts and how to use a blade. Everything was great until one day a Noble from a nearby kingdom came with a small army and threatened to destroy everything if the villager's didn't become his slaves, no one agreed and the village was destroyed and many died but Zak was able to escape and eventually ended up living with a pack of wolves for a major part of his life until one day he decided it was time to search for the man who took everything from him and repay the favor.

Modern: Zak is a Wolf lycan beast who works at and runs his own mechanic shop specializing in motorcycles

Hello? is anyone around that wishes to discuss rp or is this place dying already? Or is it me?

Current Mood:

Happy everyone

Heading to bed good night all

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