Yun Jin of Yun-Han Opera Troupe

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A famous figure in Liyue Harbor's opera scene, Yun Jin is the director of the Yun-Han Opera Troupe, and performs at Heyu Tea House from time to time. She is also a playwright, having written all the plays the Yun-Han Opera Troupe has performed in recent years, including a new ending for "The Divine Damsel of Devastation."

Yun Jin is known for her sweet singing voice and intricate costumes, as well as her animated and dynamic performances. Whether it's a delicate and dignified young lady or a mighty and honorable heroine, she can play any role.

What's even rarer is that this young actress is also a playwright. Other than "The Divine Damsel of Devastation", the Yun-Han Opera Troupe has performed many other new plays in recent years, all of which were written by Yun Jin.

However, what is surprising is that Yun Jin, who has always displayed a dignified and elegant image, has a little hobby that is not known to the public — she likes listening to rock 'n' roll.

If you see Yun Jin at a rock 'n' roll performance in Liyue Harbor, please refrain from telling the whole world about it.

Otherwise, she might get nagged by the elders again.

Yun Jin was born in a family of Liyue Opera performers.

Her father is a playwright, and her mother used to be a famous opera singer in Liyue Harbor, taking up the mantle from Yun Jin's grandfather.

In such an environment, Yun Jin was exposed to Liyue Opera at a very early age, often amusing herself by echoing her mother's singing.

A childhood hobby, as many would tend to believe, seems unlikely to be developed into a lifelong career, yet Yun Jin proved to be an exception.

She was serious about it and insisted on learning the art.

Her parents were delighted to see their daughter's determination and imparted everything they knew about the Liyue Opera to her. As such, Yun Jin started learning the opera early.

However, Liyue Opera is a complex art that takes years of perfection to master.

So even for a child as gifted as Yun Jin, what awaited her was sweat and tears. While ordinary children might shy away from the pain of hamstring stretches and the tedium of memorizing lyrics, little Yun Jin hung tough and became quite accomplished.

By the time she finished all the subjects in Liyue Opera, veterans of Yun-Han Opera Troupe who watched her grow up couldn't help but exclaim,

"Yet another rising opera star is about to shine upon Liyue Harbor!"

Her ancestors used to work as weaponsmiths instead of opera performers.

Later, someone in the family who was tired of weapon forging grew an interest in the performing arts. By the time it came to Yun Jin's generation, few of the Yuns still practiced the art of forging.

Many forged things have been passed down, though. The lock-shaped copper pendant that Yun Jin carries with her is one such item.

In her childhood, she often practiced dancing for a whole day under the scorching heat of the sun. Sometimes, she would even faint from the exhaustion.

Her parents' hearts ached for her, but they knew well that she had to go through such things to lay a solid foundation.

So instead of stopping her, they gave Yun Jin the lock in the hopes that it would keep fortune and health within her.

Since then, the lock has never left Yun Jin's side. Before every performance, it is a routine for Yun Jin to reminisce about those days of bittersweet training by cleaning the lock with great care.

It feels as if she was caressing the devoted heart of the little Yun Jin who was learning the opera.

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