Veronica Veinz

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  • 19 friends

Currently out of work and looking for a job, you've applied to countless openings online, only for no one to ever get back to you. One night, fed up and unable to sleep, you decide to take a midnight walk. During your stroll you think you hear a voice calling out to you, but turning to look you find nobody there... Though you do see a poster nailed into a nearby utility pole. Taking a closer look, it turns out to be a job listing. A bit of an old fashioned way to advertise, but possibly just what you need right now! Along with the method, the poster itself seemed rather antiquated as well. Hand written with what seemed to be a quill in an elegant cursive font. The basics of it seem to be that a Private Investigator is looking to hire a full time assistant, no experience required and any applicants will be set up with an interview immediately upon arrival. Open between the hours of 9pm and 5am. Beneath these details is a list of peculiar requirements for any applicants, though perhaps Rules would be a more fitting word... (I'll cover these in the rp itself to save this section taking up too much space!)

Character Details:

Name: Veronica Veinz


Species: Human (Vampire. Shhh! ...It's a secret)

Height: 6'6

Eye colour: Red

Hair colour: Black

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