The Strongest Witch Eater Uxlra

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Witch Eater Uxlra:

Who told you that slimes were weak?

Those days have long since passed when the Mage panic happened. Mages were barred from leaving cities or towns due to someone or something killing mages. A great culling of slimes happened as a result of Uxlra being a bit too gluttonous. A hunt for all slimes in the area was quickly underway after a royal mage was found partially dissolved outside of town. Uxlra's meal was interrupted due to multiple voices approaching and he wasn't in the mood to deal with it so, he left the body which was discovered quickly. The rest of his body was waiting for his order of food. That mage was the final straw to launch a multi-kingdom investigation into the area. The mage it turned out was tasked with investigating the large amount of disappearances of travelling casters and their escorts. The townsfolk believed his story of the slime being a part of him since he was very young due to him giving the name of a mage who was wanted by multiple cities and kingdoms for unspeakable experiments and believed him since he looked like a country bumpkin and had no idea about who the man was other than the name. During the culling of the local slimes, Suspicions from the investigators began to grow about the truth of Uxlra's involvement. The townsfolk who grew close to the "half-slime chimera" spoke in his defense whenever he was questioned about the slime portion of him in their presence.

We cannot separate, we are one body, two minds.

The same line given every time, they had no way to prove otherwise so, it was always dropped. While Uxlra truthfully never separated from the other half, that didn't mean the two couldn't be apart, much like how the incident began. A long stretch to the target, but that was only in stealthy operations. Before taking residence in the town, Uxlra would attack and consume who and what he pleased. When stronger mages and witches came, Uxlra had to leave the town to avoid being found out. It was beginning to become far too tempting to eat another mage and they were beginning to eye him suspiciously. Using the excuse that he's more of a physical fighter, whatevers attacking mages won't target him, but also he'll be on the main road and whatever attacked wouldn't be dumb enough to attack someone on the main road. He was sure to throw in an unsure sounding right to further sell his acting which the restaurant owner and two of the investigators bought. He wandered until he ran into an old acquaintance and helped him with the guarding of his daughter, a fact which surprised the slime. It was a simple task, just babysit the vampire with the minotaur, "the sheep or whatever Banu is", and living doll.


  1. Two "bodies", one mind.
  2. Can change the slime color and both body's proportions, but doesn't see the need to do the proportions.
  3. Normal slime color is blue

// When you feel dizzy, but are just sitting there doing relatively nothing other than checking to see if anything took a hit because of the thermal shutdown... tf?

People believe slimes are the weakest, huh? Hate to break it to them, but we aren't. We're quite horrifyingly dangerous, it's just some rumor other monsters spread about us since ancient times... I guess I can't entirely fault them for believing we are then.

The magic pecking order sure has changed while I hid out at that castle, huh?

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