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If you keep adding me after I deny the request you will be blocked. I consider it harassment.

Genres: Slice of life, Romance, Adventure, Supernatural, Modern, Fantasy, Erotica with plot

Plot gets my attention more than smut. Erotica is only fun with substance. I don't want to be in a random scene at a nude beach k' thx. I'll leave the convo. You have been warned. I'm probably gonna bullshit and post on feed too. c:

Name: Thalia

Age: 120 years (young for an elf)

Residence: Willowbreeze, a bustling town on the edge of Elderglen Forest


Thalia is a striking figure with shoulder-length black hair that cascades in loose waves, framing her heart-shaped face. Her dark pink eyes sparkle with warmth and curiosity, often crinkling at the corners when she smiles. She prefers casual modern wear when she's out in about.


Thalia embodies the spirit of casual grace and boundless kindness. Her easygoing nature and quick wit make her a beloved figure in Willowbrook. She is approachable and always ready to lend a hand. Thalia has an innate ability to make everyone feel valued and cherished.

Skills and Abilities:

Healing: She has a natural arcane ability in the art of healing.

Herbalism: She possesses a deep knowledge of local flora, often assisting the town healer in preparing remedies.

Diplomacy: Has natural charm and empathy make her an effective mediator in conflicts and disputes.

Hobbies: she enjoys wandering the forest, discovering new plants and animals. She is an avid reader, with a particular fondness for human literature and folklore. In her free time she enjoys spending time with loved ones.

Thalia influence on Willowbrook is profound. Through her daily acts of kindness and her genuine love for the community, she has woven a spirit of unity and compassion throughout the town. Her presence is a reminder that even in a world of magic, the greatest enchantment lies in the simple, heartfelt connections between people.

This is neat. Thought I share some retro goodness I found c: It only has 4 games on it so far though.

Current Mood:
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I keep forgetting to log back into here. xD Been a busy summer

She lives? Da hell?

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Alright I should be finished switching over stuff with the content filters 😊 Now to post more!

You're sitting on your couch, you're watching TV, and your life is passing you by. Keep procrastinating, over and over. Well, maybe I'll go to school next year. Maybe next semester. No, do it right now.

You spend all the day on the phone anyhow. Why don't you make a phone call that's going to help you in your future? All you gotta do is pick up the phone and make the call.

Why are you making it complicated? It's easy.

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I could go for a snack.

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🤔 Is there a section somewhere for reporting something/ sending a support or am I blind?